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The Catholic "universal" religious conglomerate

It just occured to me what the Catholic means . It means Universal, so as to include every other religion in a conglomerate, umbrella institution . And thus copy the throne of God, where all the angels and even Lucifer can come and go. Furthermore, Rome and the Muslims will merge to take over Jerusalem in a joint operation, the jews who dont cooperate will be squeezed out . Then the Antichrist, or false messias will stand forth with the unholy alliance . Its obvious, the Catholics plan to persecute heretics failed, with the dark ages and the inquisition and so the new plan VATII is rather to include every other religion in thru the backdoor, because they want world dominion at any cost. And Catholic church was not the first, before them there was ordinary Christians in Antioch Syria, the church fathers changed it, the first schism is Catholic ! Be Protestant , protest against the Pope and the false Vicar of Christ . For the Church, be it a building or your own body, must take distance

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