The Bibles Two Pages
The bibles two pages .
Many a times it comes up, is this right or is this wrong . Lets set up the ongoing discussion about abrotion and Gay marriage . Is it wrong ? well certainly it is, refferred to what ? well the old testament certainly. And the old testamtent is concenrd with the law. and reffered to as the first page . then comes the new testament . where mercy and forgiveness is the issue. Page two. the christianity is there fore a TWO PAGE discussion . first one reference owns own law . I think its wrong . then you may look in the bible. OH bible says that too. Im so in line with the bible, I could be like God himesllf ! just look at me . Im not gay ! im motherfuckin holy over here . I only attract to woman . well yeah, you looked at a married woman one time, and sorry mac, you broke the law . then one looks to page two, is there mercy for him ? yeah I guess . no harm done .
the issue is people who are bible poeple are obsessed with "doing the right thing" and fingerpointing at every other, your doing that wrong . but that is Old testament stuff . Instead, turn to page two, new testament, and ask yourself, can I give mercy to that .
and forget not the words , you say every day .
Father in heaven forgive our trespass
like WE forgive our trespassers . where you instruct God to forgive you, but yourself, you walk around finger pointing toward everybody ! nah nah . turn to page two, my friend .