The Catholic "universal" religious conglomerate

It just occured to me what the Catholic means .
It means Universal, so as to include every other religion in a conglomerate, umbrella institution . And thus copy the throne of God, where all the angels and even Lucifer can come and go.

Furthermore, Rome and the Muslims will merge to take over Jerusalem in a joint operation, the jews who dont cooperate will be squeezed out . Then the Antichrist, or false messias will stand forth with the unholy alliance .

Its obvious, the Catholics plan to persecute heretics failed, with the dark ages and the inquisition and so the new plan VATII is rather to include every other religion in thru the backdoor, because they want world dominion at any cost.

And Catholic church was not the first, before them there was ordinary Christians in Antioch Syria, the church fathers changed it, the first schism is Catholic ! Be Protestant , protest against the Pope and the false Vicar of Christ .

For the Church, be it a building or your own body, must take distance from other gods than Jesus . For that is the purpose of the church, to give refuge for those who seek away from false gods, and lies of the fallen angels, and not commit an unholy alliance, with magicians and pyramid builders .

But do forgive those who come to hear the gospel, be it hookers, murderes, thiefs, homos or woke, or aborting mothers, catholics and jesuits included . For the law says its wrong, but we are obliged to love and be mercyful .

Remember, on earth we are made to loose . 
John 8:23 - And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.

After accepting Jesus the temptations of the world is bleak as gray paper, as uninteresting as an old hag. For the returns of the pagan worship, the magic, is to offer something and recieve worldly power in return for that sacrifice . With Jesus faith you get nothing war like at all, instead forgiveness, mercy and patience, moral, stribe for righteousness, and clean conscience . but no verse on knotting a fist onto anyone, or world dominion .

When everything is said to be made new, what I see is that every corner of the world is filled with "evil", not in plants or animals or mountains, but rather religious power from the top and down, from the above onto the people below, the fallen angels have occutpied it all. Every planet, is a pagan god, venus is lucifer, saturn is lucifer, mars is a war god, jupiter is a sky god. Every animal is a pagan god, bull, goat, snake, peacock. The Sheep is a christian animal ! Sheep is OK . And every triangle, square and geometry . Maybe the very reason we shall not make any images of something above or below. Every emotion is accociated with gods, love, hate, jelousy, desire, lust, fear, envy, even colors on the painters palette, red, blue and yellow ! Thunder god, rain god, do alittle dance and recieve rain ! Sun God is lucifer, wind god, thats lucifer again . So saying something obscene like, what a wonderful breeze today, your a luciferian . get outta here . There is nothing left for us to discover, God Father knows it all, the only thing left is our behaviour, concerning things and eachother . So we MUST trespass ! Were born onto a chessboard that is fully realised. Stumbeling wire everywhere, but you must make a move, or you gonna stare at the cloud all your life, and live in an icebox, is that life ? For we live in Adams sin . Born into a crime we didnt know . Jesus is the only one who came as a man, born of a woman and one of us, we belong to him, so it is . All those other gods came from the heaven and was big and brutal, and has animal clothing, meaning they are not god for humans .

However God made us in his own image, and he creasted the world and said it was good, how fortunate is the man who does not know anything else. There is invisible tripwires everywhere, and doesnt have to be a schitzo to know that even the intent of your language is being monitored, oh yes, for what the heart is full of, the mouth speaks. and remember the Judgement, the holy spirit shall give full record . and remember the man who believes in the mercy of God . Freedom, huh, were living in a prison digging in a basement of junk . Who wants to be king of a junkyard, not me, I hate it here . The life on earth you hold so dear, is a death sentance .

The truth shall set you free . 
Yes, unless I would not have told you my concernes .
well, im born a criminal, for what Adam did . And I live in a prison, that is filthy with fallen angels. god has lived forever and knows everything . the fallen angels know alot too. And we humans with a short lifespan are supposed to "figure it out" in 20-30 years of age, and do everything right ! Lord have mercy 

love one another he says . Hitler, Stalin, Mao, alaister crowley, HR. giger, mussolini, the pope, gilgamesh, lucifer, saturn, jupiter, the sun, the moon, the world, kuklux klan, the muslims, the pharasees, buddhists, hindus, love your enemy Jesus says . love them . for what is the reward of loving your own . your mother, your father, your brother and sister . Who are my mothers and brothers Jesus says, yes those who believe in him Jesus . ok . I believe in him .

If I am to understand anything, it is to avoid create union with an enemy. So as to be blamed for aiding their cause . Recieve them when the want out of their error, and forgive them. I dont know if a workplace counts the same as a worship, like those called Nicolaitians, who is said to have one foot in the pagan and another foot in the christian . But if your a banker, giving loans to both sides of a war ? Or aiding different religions . What about a state that offers religious freedom, and aide every religion subsidarys ? In Revelations this is concerning a church and its priests teachings . Not bankers, not kings of states or rulers . but is there a differance ... Because a union is like a marriage, and you become one flesh, and they love eachother . If a king decides to support christianity, its on him, in his time of reign . If a king supports both christianity and islam and new age and judaism, its on him, in his time of reign . If a person pays tax, to a king that gives subsidarys to a strange religion, and he himself is a christian, does it make him an accomplice in the worship of strange gods ? give to cesar what belongs to Cesare Jesus says and give to God what belongs to God . And fear not . 


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