The IBEX ribbon and the ENA Vertical to Galactic Plane

I am seeing the IBEX visual of the ENA particles once with again and find a new interest in this topic. It is something that is truely interesting.

After some thought it came clear to me to me that the solar system is  propagating through the Milky way at an angle of 65 degrees. That is very visible in the 12- Resolution Zodiac between the constellation Scorpoi (Anubis) and Saggitaius (Sechmet). In this region the galactic disk appears as a rift of 65 degrees. Had the solar system been flat in relation to the Galactic plane, the galaxy disk would not be visible to us on Earth. That means the Solar system is propagating like a "screw" into the Milky way. The stars of the Zodiac is therefore on an angle of 65 degrees. Not in the angle of the Galactic disk, as usually presented.

the ENA ribbon is quite interesteing, the NASA is displaying it in relation to a "flat" solar system. therefore the ENA pattern is at an angle of maybe 30 degrees. However scewing the solar system to 65 degrees, then adding the ENA pattern angle, results in a ENA 90 degree to solar system propagation. And that is quite interesting. According to the Scientist the ENA is functioning like a Compass, and the North Magnetic field lines is approaching the top of the ENA ribbon. This would actually say the the Solar system is propagating "head on " into a north magnetic field in the galactic medium. I have provided some drawings to visualize the notion. I might not be correct but its an approach to a discussion.


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