Wave Compression and Magnetic Displacement

Here is an image where I try to formulate how the Ampere Current is moving inside a conductor. This is a page from a complete catalog of drawings that is to come in a while. a Complete art File Catalog.

In this particular drawing. I am imagening how the magnetic field lines is concentrating onto the stillstanding atmos in the conductor, and the Ampere current is "rushing past" so there will be an "electron vacant spot", I imagine that is the reason for the South pole projection. where the North pole projection is where the electrons gather or "condensate".

With this I want to explain how the Magnet is functioning. By magnetizing Iron, the atom is heated up, either by thermic action or Watt. The Nucleus will be moving and slide. The electrons can then be positioned in a Magnetic field so they orient them self on each side of the atoms according to the external field. When the Atoms are Cooled down, the electrons are not sliding back. but stay in a "polarized state" so the magnetic displacement is sustained. the electrons are permanently displaced to one side of the nucleus. there fore a concentration of electrons on one side, providing a stationary magnetic field.

This is the same as happening in a wire, but with Amperic currence, removing some electrons on the atoms in the conductor for + and - currence between the terminals. but the Inductive field over the wire, on the perpendicular of the wire s current Ampere motion ( on the cross of ) is the Field lines. probably because the remaining electrons on the atoms on the conductor are concentrated and squeezed away from the Ampere "tunnel".


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