The Leedskalnin Method

The Leedskalin Method.

It has proven difficult to understand this mans method on how to motivate megalithic stones with such a precition. He was a eremit studying electromagnetical arts in the 1900 and released one of several books, called Magnetic Current in 1943. He left the world the Coral Castle and some books describing his understanding of the electromagnetic art. These examples he provides has to be done exactly as he says to make any sense of it.

I have not come even close to his competance. However this as not prohibited me to have ideas on how it might work. I think he used Radio waves and beamed radio waves simultaniously into the Earth and the Stone. This might result in a wavefront inside the mediums of the earth and the stone. If the phases in either the Stone or the Earth is delayed by hafl a period or 180 degrees, so the wavefronts are matching south to south wave and north to north. Creating a repulsion field between the stone on the ground and the ground itself. both are conducting electrical Watts. If the Ampere and Volt delays are phase compensated properly inside the mediums, so the impedance is matched. I can not see why not the stone should not lift off the ground and be carried on top the magentic wavefront, beamed from the Radio equipment into the Earth.

The Stones he uses is the same as the Pyramid stones in Egypt. It is a stone with minerals or crystallized organisms, that has become hardened. Now crystals conduct electricity in a Diode kind of way, they rectify. That means an AC alternating current, that is moving back and forth on the transmission lines. One time forth and one time back every period of AC. in Europa 50Hertz periods per second, that means 50 times forward and 50 times backward per second, in alternating sequence. Using a Diode rectifyer or a Crystal, the currency moves only forward, or only backward. Old Radios from before the "Transistor age" used Crystal detector "Cat Whisker", this remove the  high frequency "carrier wave" and the produce a Low Frequency Audio tones in the "ear phone speakers" that we percieve as Music and human voice. Audible waves between 20 - 20 Kilo Hertz is Low Frequency compared to carrier waves that are in 30 Kiloherts and up to 3000 Megahertz. In GHz there is the geostationary TV satellites. The alteration of a Lightwave is incredibly 10^15th. And Roentgen waves are even higher frequency. Interestingly the Velocity of Light is "only at" 3 Giga meter per second. so for ever 3 giga meter a lightwave moves. It contracts and expands on an interval at one million times faster ! 10^15th. ( that is still an enigma ... )

Light alteration ( a colour for instance yellow) 1E15 / Light speed 3E8 =
Light alteration 1 000 000 000 000 000 / 300 000 000 = 33 333 333= 33 *10^6 = 33 millions faster Light compression than linear motion over space. I just dont understand. the electron on the valence shell on the the atom that is being stimulated to emit photonic action is bouncing faster up and down on the atomic valence shell, than the wave iteslf of photonic energy is moving out from the atomic surface ! And not just alittle bit, a big bit 33 million times faster, is the electronic motion on the atom than the wave is emitting from the atom into space. With sound and electricity this is not a problem for the oscillation of the energy is much slower than the wavefront or particles that transport the energy move across the space strata. however with light ... how far has the light wave moved at 1 light colour alteration ? if light has moved 1 Giga meter per 10^15th oscillation, by 1 oscillation it has moved. Or time on one period of a light wave.

Time = 1 / frequency
Time = 1 / 10^15 =0.00000000000000015 sec per wave compression or interval period.
Well I am thinking it moves so fast it creates a structure upon itself, somehow. I f I have a oil and have a ball inside it. Lets say the oil allowes a max speed for every wave motion. then I move the ball inside it, slower than the wave propagation in the oil. Everything is ok. then I move the ball inside it 100 times faster. The body moves faster than the propagation of the wave. the energy is not allowed to escape before a new energy is piling up .

I believe there is a indifferance in speaking of Watts in the electrical community. Let me explain my concerne. when speaking of 100 Watts is not made any attempt to differentiate between the product of 100 Volt * 1 Ampere = 100 Watts, or if one has 100 Ampere and 1 Volt = 100 Watt. This is essential to know when the product is to utlize Ampere, that is the real electrons, or the use the Volt that is the Potential differance ( how far the electrons fall down to earth if they are carried up a hill ). The Volt "vector" is Loss less and is there for favoured to transform the Watt into a high Volt when the Watt product is to be transported over distances. With high volt in transmission the ampere is low and the loss is low. this is established by the pioneer Nikola Tesla. However when the Watt is to be used in a Coil or a heater, one transform the Volt down and the Ampere up ! the Watt is still Volt * Ampere. when the Ampere is high the coil is producing a larger and more effective magnetic field, the Volt need not be large, but Ampere is needed to drive the load, and to rotate the wheel by magnetizing the rotor. A coil with 1000 volts and 0.002 Ampere cant even magnetize an attraction of an iron screw wheiging a scarce gram. On the other hand a 1000 Ampere Coil and 0.002 volt ?  Do you think there would be a differance ... I think there is. And I think there would be a differance in those 2 coils. the Watt is equal in both coils 1000Volt * 0.002 Ampere = 2 Watt

Now I dont believe that the Radio Waves are electromagnetic. I think the Radio waves are Electro Static. Because the Electromagnetic waves are short range, and Ampere consuming. Just like the Ampere used in a stove heater. or an electromagnet, the magentic effect is short range. However a Radio signal is Long range and a Wireless Transportaion method. One transforms the watt product into High Voltage before the Radio Transfmission commence. Radio is not electromagnetic, but Electrostatic, in my understanding. Leedskalnin might transform the Watt product into a High Ampere to get a large "magnetic effect" in the lifting of the stones, for he need to lift rocks on a short range. Not broadcast signals several kilometers. He needs large Ampere, and maybe a Radio wavelenght of 1 meter Lambda.

frequency = meter per sec / 1 meter = 3 Giga Hertz is 1 meter lambda wavelenght.

If a stone that is smaller than 1 meter is to be lifted with a longer wavelenght the stone would probably bounce up and down.

Well thats what I gont.
Happy New year.
And Merry Solestice Christmas.


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