Cold And Hot Watt, Impedance Transformation, Phase Compensation, Vector Delay and X Reactance

The Coilers Club : An Essay
Cold And Hot Watt, Impedance Transformation, AC and DC.

It has taken me quite som time to get insight into these matters
and I will describe how it appears to me.

Watt is measure of two Energy Vectors, Volt potential and Ampere that is the real Electrons in motion. Voltage can be understood as The path of the Electrons, What direction will the electrons move ? How much is the desire to move the electrons from Electron rich to electron poor material. I sometimes imagine Volt as "Willpower and Mind" and Ampere as the "WorkPower and Muscle". If there is low Willpower and alot of Muscle much work is performed without logical control. If there is high Willpower,Intelligence and leadership but small muscle the few muscles of electronic amperes will have be taken very good care of and used very carefully. Classically Watt is portrayed a waterfall. The Volt potential is the mountain hights and Ampere is the Water itself. A tall mountain equals high Volt. Much Water equals large Ampere.

One should be aware of this matter of differentiating
the energy Vectors of Volt and Ampere before we begin.

Multiplying Volt and Ampere is not the same as multiplying a living room floor. 8 meter * 8 Meter = 64 squareMeter of living room. Where both axis X*Y are the same "material". Volt is not the same Energy consistancy as Ampere. I therefore call Volt and Ampere two different "Energy Vectors". For strange reasons Volt potential is not Lost in transmission of Watt over copper wires. The Voltage drop is transferred to the Load, the Load that is the wire in this case. The Load lowers the source pressure by performing a Volt Drop onto the circuit, in being a Resistor. the Ampere is a result of Voltage and Resistance. The Voltage can also be compared to the Punch of a Tennis Racket, and the Ampere to the Tennis Ball. A low Volt will not slap the Tennis Ball very far onto the Circuit. If a windy day the downwind Resist the Tennis Ball, the Punch will have to be harder to get the Ball move an equal distance, than a day on an upwind when the wind is less of Resistance and moving the opposite way.

First of all an example:
We have DC Watt P (Power) = U (Volt) * I (Ampere)

See if one can see the difference
1. P = 100 Volt * 1 Ampere = 100 Watt
2. P = 1 Volt * 100 Ampere = 100 Watt

Both numbers multiply theoretically and mathematically into 100 Watt. but Realistically are they the same effect of Power ?
The answer is most definitly NO.

Example 1 has a High Volt Potential and Low Ampere, resulting in a Low dissapation of heat, and concluded a Cold Watt. In AC that is described later this is noted High Impedance.

Impedance is an AC specific Frequency Resistance describing the separation  between the Waveform peak of Volt matching the Waveform peak of the Ampere. The separation is described with X Reactance. Increased X Reactance is increased separation between the Volt Wave Vector and the Ampere Wave Vector wave peaks. Known as Phase Compensation. The basic differance between P (Watt) DC and P (Watt) AC, is that in AC the Voltage and Ampere is also multiplied with a "Pythagorean number" also known as the Powerfactor (Cos Phi)= Cathetus Horizontal / Hypothenus Diagonal.

Cosinus Phi is a number always below 1. The Smallest number is over the division line and the larger number below the division line. The Hypothenus is always longer than the Cathetus. The P= U * I * Cos phi. when the Frequency increases the separation between Volt and Ampere Waveform also increase. Descirbed as when X Reactance increase, and Impedance increase, the Resistance is constant. if it is not conductivly degraded by heating. To close in the Wave Vector separation, a Capacitor is used. Cosinus Phi is from a Greek sculptor from ancient Hellas, and his name was Phidias. The X Reactance is an Imaginary number, the Cathetus Sinus Vertical. Whereas the Resistance is a hardware spesific number, Cathetus Horizontal and considered a Real value, that makes the Impedance a "combined Resistance" of Ampere DC and Wave separation AC. This is called Complex numbers in Electrical theory. And the Cornerstone in Alternating Current.

Example 2 has a High Ampere and Low Volt. That means that alot of Heat is dissapated from the wire. Along with heat when large amounts of "Electromagnetic particles" Electrons are travelling between a + potential and a - potential comes a large Magnetic Field. So wanting a large Magnetic field in form of a Electromagnet, a large amount oa Ampere is needed. This concludes a Warm Watt. This is most conveniant in user apparatus, heater, stoves, magnetic coil motors, transformers, and light. Light can however work with very High Volt and very Low Ampere when the frequency is eccessivly high. In those situations light is called "Cold Light". Because the Watt condition is High Voltage and low Ampere. No heat. No Loss of Ampere, no friction between Electrons and Protons.

This is also why the Transportation of Energy in Watt AC is done by transforming the Watt product from "Large Ampere and low Volt"that is synonimous to "Low Impedance" power production. There is no use producing high Voltage with Low Ampere in a coil, because there will be no induction, no magnetic field lines into the Secondary Coil or between the armature rotor Magnets and the Stator coils. Powerstations and generators then transform Low impedance into Incredibly large Voltage and low Amperes for transportation, synonimous to High Impedance. When  the Watt is transmitted over the distance it is transformed down to Low impedance again 230 Volt with fuses allowing 16 Ampere or 24 Ampere per Phase in the house hold. If There was no fuses a short circuit would drain the complete grid. The Ampere drained is depending on the Voltage and Resistance of the circuit. Having low Resistance like a Short circuit, the Ampere would be very large and the heat enormous. If there was no fuses in the transformer stations or households. Just one short circuit would drain all the Ampere on the entire grid !

See this another interesting example of Coils and Turns and Ampere If Ampere is the electromangeic particle one want lots of Ampere in a Electromagnet. now how many Turns? It is said by increasing turns the magnet displaying a stronger magnetic field. We shall see what happens when increasing turns on a steady Voltage Supply.

Example 3.
We have a Coil that has 1 turn, onto a 12 Volt battery. the Wire turn has 1 Ohm Resistance on the copper wire lenght. The ampere this Coil will drain from the source is
I (Ampere ) = U (Volt) / R (Resistance) = 12 / 1 = 12 Ampere

We then add 1 more turn to the Coil, and for the wire to make another turn there is also neede to increase the lenght of wire. The Resistance is doubled when 1 turn is 1 ohm. 2 turns is 2 ohm. Lets see how many Amperes.

I = U / R = 12 / 2 = 6 Ampere
The coil has now 2 turns but Half the Ampere !
By increasing turns the Resistance is equally increased lowering the induction and stopping the Amperes from running through the Wire ! As long as the Coil diameter is the same, and the Voltage on the battery is the same. The more turns, the Lower is the Inductive or magnetic action on the coil.

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by doubling the Turns on the Coil, the Voltage is doubled.
by doubling the Turns or Lenght of Wire, the Ampere is Halved.
By Halving the Resistance, the Ampere is Doubled.
by doubling the Frequency that is the Velocity of the Generator Alternator,
The Voltage is doubled in the coil output.

The Ampere is also increased with Frequency but so is the X Reactance. After a while only the Voltage rises linearly with the frequency of the Alternator Rotor, but the Ampere is locked flat in hysteresis. Then the Volt and Ampere Vector Waveforms are separatet with a large degree, so much into ineffectivity that the Cosinus phi is very small, approaching 0.1.

Make shure the complete Coil body and all its Turns are inside the Magnetic Projection lines of the Magnet. I spend some time measuring the Magnet strengh by writing the centimeter distance of where the Magnet attracts Iron filings. From that defining the lenght and diameter of the coil.

Voltage drop in a Battery, the amount of Electrons on the Electron rich terminal is never lost.
all the Electrons in the Battery is transported over to the Electron poor terminal, the time it takes
is depending on the Resistance. The Voltage Drop is therefore an illusion.  The Voltage drop is "the Resistance" controlling the Ampere allowed to pass over the circuit. Not one Electron is lost in heat or induction. When Resistance increase fewer and fewer Electrons are able to complete the circuit, the Ampere is therefore becoming low. In an AC circuit. If the Coil or Wire Resistance is greater than the Voltage provided. Ampere can not be "forced through". A Magnet on a generator can not squeeze Ampere through a High Impedance Coil. The Resistance has to be lowered, or Voltage Increased to pass more Ampere.

The Copper wire lenght is made as a Resistor that performs a Voltage Drop and controls the Amperic drain from the Generator or "Wall Socket". The wire lenght is then Coiled to desired Diameter and number of Turns. To fit the dimensions of the Rotor, Transformer or application is to Magnetize . The number of Turns and thickness of Wire considered. If its a Tuned application, The lenght of the Coil Wire
Resonate to 1/4th of the Radio Wave. That is 90 Degrees Peak Voltage of a Sinius Waveform.
And is very important to Radio engeneers.

Lambda (wavelenght) = c (vacuum light speed) / Hertz = 300 000 000 / 50Hz = 6000 000 meter wavelenght of 1 period

6000 000/ 1000 m = 6000 km / 4 = 1500 km wire to resonate on a 50 Hz Grid.

Thats a long wire, and a good reason why mobile phones use Gigahertz Radio Transmission, the Antenna is then a few centimeters long.
But think of it. 1 Period of 50 Hertz AC Mains, is 6 million meters long ! Pounding 50 times a second.

An effective Coil should not have more than 20 to 50 Ohms, depending on the application certainly.
The Resistance is removing the Coil from Short Circuit. The Resistance is lowering the Voltaic pressure, by performing a Voltage Drop. A large Voltage Drop means low Ampere. Having a thick wire that is large in mass, a wide magnet must be used to encapsulate the complete coil insid the "projection lobe" or magnetic field lines.

Not long ago I made coils of very thin wire, and incredible many turns, but realized they only got alot of Voltage, and the Ampere stopped up at a certain Frequency and remained Low. The Coil did not even get hot. Thats when it occured that Watt, is not just Watt. The Ampere is "Hot" Contributiong to the Heat
and the Voltage is "cold" massless positional energy. I will admit that I thought before testing that "the more Turns, the more Watt". And the "more Resistance the more Heat" in stoves and the like. That seems to be wrong, it is quite the opposite !

The first one has to do is to lower the Ampere so the fuse in the house does not go out. by having a proper lenght of wire that is Resisting and moving the circuit from short circuit. Then secure the Coil or circuit so it does not get so warm that the insulation cooks off.

I have found it "impossible" to calculate the Ampere from only knowing the Voltage and Resistance in a AC coil or circuit. I have not discovered the formula for knowing Z = Impedance from R = 100 ohm and U = 230 Volt. The Coil has to be built to measure the Ampere to get the "Wave delay" between Voltage wavepeak and Ampere Wavepeak to get the Cosinus Phi.

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We want to transmit 300 000 Watts of Volt * Ampere.
We have one transformer that provides P = 150 000 Ampere * 2 Volt = 300 000 Watt
And another Transformer that provides P = 2 Ampere * 150 000 Volt = 300 000 Watt

Transformer action is basically like this. When Voltage is transformed up, the Ampere is transformed Down. And when Voltage is transformed down, the Ampere is Transformed up. When Voltage is High, and Ampere low, High Impedance when Voltage Low and Ampere high Low Impedance.

The wire is Aluminium and is 200 kilmeters long 90 square mm.
R wire = p (resistivity)* lenght (meters) / Areal (crossection in millimeter)
R wire = 0,0265 al * 200 000m *1 (one way. *2 if the wire goes back and forth) /  90 mm^2 = 5300/90 = 58 ohm

5. U (Volt) drop = I (Ampere) * R (Resistance) = 150 000 A * 58 Ohm on the wire = 8700 000 Voltdrop.
Watt Loss = I (Ampere) * U (Volt) loss = 150 000 * 8700 000 = 1,305*10^12 Watt loss (billions of Watt lost)

6. U (Volt) drop = I (Ampere) * R (Resistance) = 2A * 58 Ohm on the wire = 116 Volt Drop
Watt Loss = I (Ampere) * U (Volt) loss = 2 * 116 = 232 Watt lost in transmission

Amperes are lost into heat and induction, due to "Friction" and between Electrons motion in the wire and the Nucleus of the Conductor. If one reduce the Resistance to

7. R = U (Volt) / I ( Ampere) = 2 / 150 000 =  0,000013333 Ohm.
U (Volt) loss = I (Ampere) * R (Resistance) = 150 000 * 0,000013333 = 2 Volt Drop
Watt loss = I * U = 150 000 * 2 = 300 000 Watt lost in transmission. All watt is lost !
Or more precicely, the Load that is the Wire is perfectly balanced to the source, battery or generator. However usually the transmission wire is not desired a large Load. Most of the Watt is desired to reach the household or industrial plant.

Even with a thick as a "barrel" sized Conductor the friction between Electrons and Protons would become inefficient to transport large amounts of Low Impedance Watt, even with a low Voltage Drop. Because the Voltage drop is not a sufficient statement, the Watt loss is Ampere * Volt drop. As long as the Ampere is large there is no chance to get a efficient transmission. If we half the Resistance once again R = 0,000013 / 2 = 0,000006 Ohm

8. U (Volt) drop = I (Ampere) * R (Resistance) = 150 000 * 0,000006 Ohm on the wire = 1 Volt Drop
Watt Loss = I (Ampere) * U (Volt) drop = 150 000 * 1 = 150 000 Watt lost in transmission

Confusingly it seems the Voltage Drop is the main thing. The Voltage drop becomeslarge because the Ampere is incredibly large in the example 5. The remedy is to get the Ampere Low, so the Voltage drop is low. This is done by tranforming into High Voltage. With a Low Volt and large Resistance the Ampere is not motivated to move. And if An enormous amount of Ampere is desired to move through the wire with a Low voltage motivation.

Even with a large crossection on the conductor the loss in watt would be very large. Increasing he mass of the Conductor thereby avoiding "Fricion" between Electrons and The Protons to get less heat dissapation and lower pressure drop is a futile attempt, considering the transformation alternative. Transformation is much more effective to conserve energy.

When the circuit "short circuits" with large Ampere the "Friction" is large between Nucleus and the electrons. I dont think the Ampere Electrons actaully vanish or disappears or become absorbed into the atoms valence shells on circuit. Rather a low Volt will not manage to pull Electrons through the circuit. The batterys Ampere will last longer with a High Resistance load. The Voltage Drop is transferred to the large Resistance load and Low Ampere is conducted. The Amperes are Electronic Mass encountering nucleus Resistance, therefore the Ampere must be low and the Voltage High, to avoid friction.

Voltage is Massless, lossless. and takes up no physical space. Volt display no heat in temprature and is therefore Cold. In opposition to the Ampere that is Electronic mass, and is moving and create Heat. For transportation one transforms the Watt product into a Loss less format, High Impedance.

The Drawing
In another situation where the circuit has the same Voltage and the Resistance the changing component, see drawing. One can see that the Large Resistor has the largest Watt vaule But the Watt is more voltage in relation to the Ampere therefore the Coldest watt. And the Smallest Resistor has the lowest watt value, but since the voltage is lower relating to the Ampere it has a Warmer watt.

12 volt Supply series circuit
R1 = 100 Ohm
R2 = 200 Ohm

I Ampere = U Volt / R1 + R2 = 12 / 100 + 200 = 12 / 300 = 0,04 Ampere
UR1 Volt Drop Resistor 1 = I * R1 = 0,04 * 100 = 4 volt Drop
PR1 Watt loss Resistor 1 = I * UR1 = 0,04 * 4 = 0,16 Watt Loss

UR2 Volt Drop Resistor 2 = I * R2 = 0,04 * 200 = 8 Volt Drop
PR2 Watt Loss Resistor 2 = I * UR2 = 0,04 * 8 = 0,32 Watt Loss

The Ampere is constant in a series circuit, and when the Voltage is high, the Watt is Cold. The component is not heated that much. When the Volt Drop is Low on the Load, the Ampere is high and the circuit close in on short circuit. And Heating is involved of both the Wire and the Battery.

The Ampere is always a result of Volt and Resistance. If the Voltage is Low and the Resistance high, then low Ampere is allowed. The Voltage must be more than the resistance to "break it down and conduct" Amperes between the terminals. By transforming up the Voltage to the exact number of Amperic electrons tolerated by the wire crossection without heating. Incredible amounts of Watt can be transported on a thin crossection of copper or aluminium wire, even with a relatively high Resistance, when the Voltage is high enough. If the wire crossection tolerate 1 Ampere, the wire might take the pressure of 1 million Volt or more. The curvature on the wire determines how much Voltage is tolerated before it arcs. The sharper coil turns the easier the High Voltage will arc. even with small Ampere. The Voltage can not be immensly high for practical reasons, because it will discharge lighentning onto the coil or surroundings, destroying the insulation thus creating short circuit between the turns. That can be avoided by increasing the diameter on the coil.

Hot Watt is when there is Large Ampere and Low Watt, Low Impedance, in user appliancees, spend mode.
Cold Watt is when Low Ampere and Large Volt, High Impedance, Transportation of energy, saving mode.

Impedance is an AC specific resistance combining real resistance R with imaginary frequency resistcance X Reactance. And an expression of how separated the Voltage Wavepeak is relating to the Ampere Wavepeak. Thes two Vectors are following one another at close proximity, and one wants them to have High Phi (Phi toward 0.9 or 1 for optimal efficiency), and a low angle of separation.

Heat is dissapating when there is friction between moving electrons and Nucleus of the conductor. Having a small crossection wire will give large heat fricion dissapation. Magnetic Induction is concentration of Electrmagnetic particles, Electrons.

The Quark And Strong Model Theory
We shall end this essay with my personal interprestaion of a Atomic Magnet. It is said that the Atomic Nucleus is composed of Protons and Neutrons. the Proton is + potential and the Neutron has no polarity. The Proton is therefore a Nucleostatic Monopole and a Static Proto Voltaic Potential +. The electron on the other hand is Negaitve Monopole in its existance. the interaction between the Electron and the Nuclues is like a Dipole bar Magnet. I think the reason why the Electron and the Nucleus dont click onto one another and stick, like regular magnets is because the Atomic nucleus is composed of 3 Subatic particles, "Up, Up and Down". Whereas the Electron is a Subatomic particle. the Nucleus Proton is a dimnsional magnitude larger than the Electron, and they attract and swirl but dont click and stand still, however this is still a very unresolved issue.

I also think that the UUD "Up Up Down" relationship of Strong Colours is like this. I come from colour theory in painting of Goethe. Where primary colours Yellow, Blue and Red. Make secondary colours of, Green and Orange and Violet. In mixing colours on the paint pallette we have subtractive colours, but when mixing colours with Light like a TV screen there is Additive Colour. Orange + Blue = White

Yellow + Red = Orange
Yellow + Blue = Green
Blue + Red = Voilet

Personally I have this theory that If the subatomic particle Quark Up and quark Up create a secondary colour Orange with Red and Yellow colour. The Down quark has to be complimentary colour is Blue. In paint theory this will make a "white" proton. I see these colours symbolically and represent harmonic frequencys more than visible colours the frequency of alteration is much higher than visual light. And might work as a clock where colour values are counting "frequecys" that add up in "cycles". Blue has a shorter frequency than Red and Yellow, and maybe the frequencial "cogs" will match and make a balanced stabile energy unit. That is my speculation. Interestingly the Standard model say the MeV/C^2 "Mega electron Volt per square of light speed" is the size of the quark. And the Up is half the size in MeV as the Down quark.

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A thought experiment:
Lets say the Proton UUD adds up in Algebraic 12. Every Quark make a series of pulses That is its body, that is energy. A Blue colour has a frequency unlike Red and Yellow, therefore they are not the same colour.
The frequencial compression over time, differentiate them. Lets say Yellow colour pulses 4 times per unit of time Red pulses 3 times (the lowest frequenctial energy) and blue pulses 12 higher frequency and more pulses per unit of time.

Blue Down 12 / ( Yellow Up 4 * Red Up 3) = 1 Proton that is Addivive colour white
Blue Down 12 / Orange Up * Up 12 = White 1 allegorically and symbolically.

I imagine it a harmonical colour clock. where the mixed colour orange (red * Yellow) equals the pulsing interval of the Down quark blue. And they work together, in harmony. Where some colour combinations are legal and other are illegal due to Frequenctial cog wheels. A sort of Wave mechanic. Making out "attitudes" of the Atom. Another attitude would be Yellow / (Blue  * Red ) = Yellow / Violet = White proton additive. This would be an allegorically and symbolically interpretation .

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So have a Good One Coilers.
Kenneth H. Olsen


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