Inductive Clouds . Space Weather

Inductive Clouds and Space weather

In the recent days I have read the patent paper of Nikola Teslas Anti Lightening Rod.
He clearly states that the Classic B. Franklin Pointy Rod instead of rejecting lighetning, as it should. It attracts lighetning by ionizing the air, and in that way removing the discharge from household applications. by guiding the High Voltage High Ampere to Earth.

Ionizing the air is done by removing the electrons on the air molecules making a conductive path for the Lightening discharge.  Establishing between the Ionosphere that is Positively charged, and the Earth that is oppositely charged. Electrons (Ampere) can jump, with sufficient Voltage pressure over the air gap and break down the Resistance, forming a lighetning streamer. The Ionosphere has most probably removed all its electrons by solar storms. when electrons are ejected from the Sun, we see Aurora borealis, discharging on the ionosphere. When Ions arrive from the sun, Hydrogen nucleu,s protons that are positively charged. They remove more electrons of the already "electron poor" Ionosphere, creating an enhanced imbalance.  When large ionopspheric imbalances occur, due to large proton ejects from the sun. My theory is that the Ionosphere needs to obtain electron balance, by importing electrons from the Earth Ground Soil. In that Process creating Rain clouds that is a Inductive demand, and in addition wet soil is good conduct for the Lightening.

Space weather is intergrated in terrestrial weather, so to say.
The Ionosphere is one Terminal and the Earth is another Terminal.
Geometry and electrical properties also seem closely related.
The electrode with a poity tip ionizes easily, building a high voltage.
A Large curved surface does not.

The increased curvature of Teslas Anti Lighetning rod
reduces the capacitance ( storage of statcoloumbs (?), as I understand it that is removal of electrons that is positive charge ...) and the Voltage can be higher on the object before the Resistance of the air is broken down, and lighetning streamer is formed, that is a conductive path between the terminals.

The Ionizing air is avoided, and a discharge is avoided, and more protection to the personell, house and installation, at any elevation. At the top of a hilltop mound, the Voltage is increased, and increased potential danger of a lighetning strike, compared to living in a valley.

What is most interesting is this.
Line 40-50 Page 2. Quote : In the times of a Storm owing to the INDUCTIVE action of the clouds. Immense charges may be accumulated in locality. End Quote.

The Clouds induce telluric current.
So called GIC. Geo Inductive Currents.

In 1989 the Copper Lines between transformers in North America got DC shifted, displacing the entire  the AC Phase current 400 Ampere at intervals of 2 hours. that caused a electrical blackout.

Solar storms, Ions and electron showers.
Induce imbalanced Ionosphere.
That create clouds. That create rain.
that induce a opposite charge in the ground. And Amperes in the soil.
the Rain establish good grounding between Ionospher terminal and Ground soil Terminal. This is a crude approach to a Theory.


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