Radiant Energy spectrum is the Electromagnetic spectrum : Crystal interface : TeleVolt

Ladies and Gentlemen I just had a Vision :
The Radiant Energy Spectrum is the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

There is no magnetism in the radiance or radiant energy.
the Ampere enters the circuit at production or detection stage.
In the antenna or in the semiconductor.

To tune a radio reciever one needs the copper antenna to be a geometrical 1/4th of the transmission wave
that is broadcasted or emitted from the Radio station. A vertical monopole grounded antenna of 25 meter lenght picks up the Radio stations carrier wave, of a 25 meter * 4 = 100 meter wavelengh emission.

The frequency will be : Transmission wavelenght is lambda 100 meter. Antenna is 100/4 = 25 meter.
f (frequency) = c (lightspeed) / lambda (wavelenght) = 3E8 / 100 meter = 3 MegaHertz
f = c / meter = 299.792.458 / 100 meter = 2997924 Hertz = 3.000.000 hertz

To tune the LCR (L=Henry coil, C=capacitor Farad, R= resistance) ciruit. One needs a variable Capacior to adjust or shift the channel. By increasing or decreasing the Capacitance in Farads one change the "Max Voltage" point from ground (0 volt). Max Voltage is 90 Degrees in a 360 round or period.
That way the waveform reception window is altered and tuned, by contracting or expanding the "top voltage point" called Resonance. The Radio wave is Radiant energy and also in the EM Electromagnetic spectrum. however The Wave is not magnetic. Question is How can the ELectromagnetic spectrum be named EM spectrum then ?

The way Electrical Watts is transmitted in wires today. When electrical power is used, for lamp lights, heating, induction motors and in computers. The Watt product is transformed into Low impedance : Low Volt but High Ampere. When the Ampere is large, that means a large magnetic field, and large heat in the circuit. Thats why the cookng plate needs Ampere. The house usually is installed with Net volts at 230 or 110 Volts. Amperes is what you pay for on the electrical bill, one pays for the product of Volts * Ampere = Watt Hours. Large Amperes also create large Voltage drop and is therefore a considered a Loss. That is very important. In that case Voltage appears "lossless". Both the Voltage and the Amperic Electron moves at near the speed of light.

Content added 20.05.2015

Voltage is lossless. Let me explain. The misconseption of Voltage Drop over a transmission line. It is said in the Electrical trade that outgoing wires from the Distribution Transformer (or any other electrical source) that is usually "stepped" to 235V at the transformer, decrease the voltage over the lenght of the line. House nr. 1 has 234V, house 2 has 233V, house nr 3 has a long streth of cable and have maybe spot on 230V. And the house at the end of the line maybe measure 229V in the sockets. The Voltage decrease the longer the wire becomes, proved by using a Volt meter in the sockets. Just like a water pipe the pressure decrease with distance so does the electrical lines drop in voltage over distance. That is not by any means a Voltage Drop. That is however increased Resistance over the long conductor. In my understading Volt is like a mountain high. An analogy would be , 1 meter tall mountain is like 1 V. 100 meter tall mountain is 100V. The water that runs down the mountain side is the Amperes. 1 liter per hour is 1 Ampere hour. 10 liters per hour is 10 Ampere per hour. Under no circumstances if the mountain has a long slope ( analog to a long conductor ) the mountan is of less height, but a larger Resistance due to a longer path ! Instead of multiplying in a "Voltage Drop" in the formulas one should measure the crossection of the conductor and measure the lenght stretch of the transmission line to get the correct value of Volt pressure at the end of the circuit, to parallell load . Houses and light poles is usually wired in parallell to on the transmission line . And not in series that produce great resistance or "voltage drop"  to maintain a reliable source voltage for nameplate load applications like lightbulbs and electrical machines.

This also puts a limit to how far away the last load can be from the Distribution transformer. if the Resistance on the cable is greater than a certain amount, lets say the first load is "stepped" to 250V and the last load is recieving over certain percentage ( in Norway it is from 5 to 8 % tolerated NEK400 2014 section 52F-1 ) of Voltage Drop, maybe a result of 210V. If the Voltage drop exeeds the 5-8%, the line stretch is not formally legal . The stretch is too long and the Voltage drop is too large for the circuit . Resistance in Ohm per meter is then essential for the conductor material . Usually a 240 square mm AL cable is used between the Transformer and the load, unless it is mast work . What would be the maximal distance between 2 loads on that cable stretch to maintain the regulation tolerance ?
End content add 20.05.2015

In a ciruit with a Large Resistance for instance a coil, the generator or battery Volts appear instantly over the circuit, but the Ampere will be delayed, before the currency is measuring maximal value. In a Circuit with a Capacitor, the Ampere is drawn instantly at maximum current from the battery or AC generator. Once the capacitor is fully charged, it ceases to draw Ampere and finally when its full the Amperic current on the circuit stops. As the Ampere recedes and the Capcitor is full of electrons charge and the Farad is high. when the Capacitor is full there is no current in the circuit yet the Voltage is full or maximal. The "tension" or Volts is kept in the Capacitor. the volts rise when the ampere drops, in the capacitor. The Capacitor is Ampere hungry ! The Voltage is delayed in the Capacitor. The Ampere is delayed in the Coil. That is the classical case of Phase Compensation. Amperes and Volt is two very different energy quantities.

When Watts is to be Transported over distances in wires. It is transformed into High Volts and Low Ampere, high Impedance. Impedance is the resistance in a circuit with frequency. when the frequency increase the Z Impedance also increase. However in high Impedance then there is low magnetic field, and low heat. The loss is minimal. The Volts is lossless. The Amperes loose momentum due to low resistance (low Z) into heat or friction. the Electrons grind on the Copper atoms and makes them hot and even glow like a light bulb. High Resistance lowers the Ampere on the other hand, and instead of Resisting all the Amperes away one treasform it into very high Voltage and very low Amperes. High Impedance enery is seemingy no constrained inside the coil, so it emits a energy into the omnipresent surroundings. A Loss less "Televolt" or Radiant Energy. It is the energy medium between the Emitter and the Antenna ! It is pure Voltage and seemingly no Amperes at all, as I understand it. In the coil is still Amperes and Volts and Resistance. but between the antennas, is this Radiant energy. or Televolts as I call it.

The compression wave of Radiant Energy, that has its existencial function in both molecular air and in vacuum. What can the energy "compress and exhaust" as it alternates in the Vacuum, there is nothing to compress ? Still both Radiowaves and Lightwaves can function in space. How is that possible ?
A wave in water compress water molecules, and auditive sound compress and expand intervals of Airmolecules. The Radiant Energy, also have to compress and rarify a substance in its journey in space, for it is a frequenctial nature. That is when we again will hear the word Ether. Radiant energy compress and expand intervals of Ether Medium. Radiant energy will also expand like a omnispherical bubble in all directions at once. growing larger in time and as it the energy elapse form the central incident, and the area covered is greater. Light has to be omni spherical because if a matchstick is lit in a dark room, all the observers see the spark at the same time, at the same radial distance from the incident of the matchstick.

Each period of Radio Hertz or Light frequency is a "wall" or membrane. when the bubble expands the area of the sphere gets larger, and the voltage or energy is spread over a larger area, thus the energy is lessened per square meter. but it might be so that the energy product is constant over the complete surface of the sphere. At 1 meter away from incident, for instance a lightspark or a Radio Emitter one measures the "membrane" 1 watt, at 10 meters from incident one measure 0.1 Watts per square, that is because the sphere of the "bubble" is also many times bigger 10 meters away from the first measuring point. Not that energy is lost, but it is spread over a large area.  Radio is therefore a low frequency Photon emission, and so it is plainly stated in the schoolbooks and the electromagnetic spectrum. The strangest is that the seeminly optical lowfrequency radio wave resonate geometrically in a Radio antenna.

If a electrical DC current is struck, in a Transformer primary. DC represent 0 Hertz. Copple a DC source to a Transformer primary it will just induce a twitch or (peak) in the galvanometer (or multimeter) measuring the Voltage on the secondary. Discovered by the great Faraday. Even though the DC is running a constant current in the Primary, it only produces an energic respons to the Change of the current or field. Once the current creating the Magnetic field is established the secondary circuit falls to rest. The same is with a Magnet and a coil with a small lamp or LED. the Light will only light when the magnet is struck past the coil. by holding the magnet still infront of the coil will light it once, then the lamp falls to rest. Concluding that Both a Transformer and Radiant Energy needs an Alternating Current or Frequencial repetition.

Radiant energy is synonimous with Photons. Photons the way I understand it is not particles but waves. Waves that compress and expand intervals of Ether. It might be called the Higg field, I presume.The Radio wave is considered low frequecny light pulsation. The main problem of understanding that Radio waves are synonimous with light waves is differance is the way of detecting the waves. In low frequecy or non Ionizing Radiations, below 10^13 Hertz, just about where the Vertex point between radio and Infrared waves is. below this region ike Radio and UHF and Radar Microwaves one needs Coils. when the frequency is above this vertx point or cross point intersection, that is in high frequency and Ionizing radiations, then one needs crystal antennas ! The "Crystal interface" for instance a Gallium Nitritt GaN semiconductor wired in a electrical circuit recieves Infra Red radiations from all bodys above 0 degrees Kelvin or -273 degrees Celcius. All materials therefore emit a lightsource. The Body is a lightbulb in Infra Red !

The Infra Red is not heat directly, but it is a form of light indicating heat. A hot teacup on the table will take long time to spread its heat all over the room. however in IR or infra red the InfraRed Radiation is constantly emitting, over long distances, at the speed of light. so it can not be heat temprature. A Photo Camera however has no Amperic current and is therefore only capable of capturing visual frequencys.It burns the photons into a plate or paper using pinhole technique or chemical solutions to develope the imprint on paper. An advanced and precition endeavor but there is no electrical current. for the human eye to experience the Infra Red we must use a crystal semiconductor. PIR-passive Infra Red is a crystal Gallium Nitritt that respond electrically to Infra Red radiation. Each time a IR-Radiation is cast on the Crystal. It generates an electrical current. Placing many crystals like this into a CCD chip matrix, a IR camera is created. I guess one can adress each crystal semiconductor indevidually on the CCD matrix chip, located behind the lens of the camera and translate all the voltages generated from the unique locations of the crystals into a visual picture, displased on a data screen. It sounds easy doesnt it. but it is good to know that the mystical diode and transistor are in fact crystals. The Crystal respont electrically to light, pressure (piezo) and electricity, it sometimes need electrical heating to start to conduct, the reason its called a "semi" conductor. there is an enormous amonut of crystals, and they all have a special quality. The PIR detector is therefore a 1 BIT digital IR camera. since it draws no picture but only generate Voltage and Current it is therefore a Sensor. solar Panels that are Crystal  semiconductors sensitive to Radiant energy or electromagnetic radiation, could practically be designed by fabricating crystals to recieve all frequencys from Infra Red, Visual light, X-Rays all the way to cosmic rays for power generation.

The electromagnetic spectrum has surprisingly nothing to do with Magneism. Neither with Amperes that generate the magnetic B-field in coils and H-field in permanent magnets. Only Iron is magnetic
by nature, however it has no poles. Copper, aluminium or gold is not magnetic
before a current is driven through them. Then they also get magnetic poles of North and South.
Exactly like earth, the reason it has to be a rotating core inside earth, most preferrably with iron to add to the magnetic field. Just like a coil with windings from the floor to the roof, the poles of the earth is from the south pole to the north pole. the The poles is a result of how the current is oriented, inside the earth. the Earth rotates around the sun and the "bowls2 of earth also rotate in a perpendicular axis, 90 degrees to the North and South poles. even though the Earth rotation is constantly rotating the Earth magnetic field is not shifting, and that is consistant with a Coil with DC running steady Amperes. The Earth is a large living magnet.

The E-field concerns insulation materials like Plastic, glass, cotton, silk, cheramic and oils (barium titanate). Where one can store electrical energy in the form of removing the electron and the Dielectric insulation material between the two plates is Ionized solid an becomes static + with electro vacant energy, thats what I think or how I understand it. The Electron is (-) negative and the Nucleus is positive (+) making the Atom a magnet. By removing the Electron, the atom remains Static and in want of an electron to get balanced. Hence the name ElectroStatic field or E-field. The Electron is a Subatomic particle and smaller than the Atom nucleus, it does not combine into large structure like the molecules, the electrons form Amperic mass and magnetic fields. I consider the electron more movable than the atom. In a conductor of currents I visualize the electron is water and the atoms is the rocks in the waterfall. the Atom is composed of an Up and another Up and a Down Quark UUD. These 3 units form a "Strong Colour Force" Proton Nucleus Hydrogene. a Neutron is Up Down Down UDD. And these 3 objects together have a greater charge than the little electron. See the Standard model, their "size" is in Electron Volts ! However, to create static one rubs a rubber balloon to the hair on the head, or rub a cloth on a PVC pipe. then one can hear the sparkling and crackeling of electrical tension after a while. The E-Field is most praqctically calculated between 2 metallic plates in a condenser, or capacitor. wired to a volt pile battery DC or alternating generator AC.

How can I say the Electromagnetic spectrum has no Amperes ? If the Electromagnetic spectrum or now rephrased as the Radiant Energy Spectrum emits Amperes. Then the navigation compass would deflect the radio waves, and deflecting wild back and forth if a TV or Radio antenna was nearby. But it dont. The compass rests calmly to the Earth Magnetic Field. even a strong coil with a large magnetic field and some AmpereTurns running  and heavy current and low Resistance has a very local magneic B-Field. The compass usually defelct back to the Earth Magnetic field in just a few centimeters.

The Ampereturns is interesting. Having a Wire with 1 Ampere It does not matter if the Volt is 1V and the Resistance of the wire is 1 Ohm, I (ampere) = U (volt) / R (resistance) = 1V /1R = 1 Ampere. The Magnetic field in that 1 Ampere wire would be the saem if the circuit is equiped with 100V and 100 Ohm. For I = U/R = 100V/100R = 1 Ampere. It would also be of no differance if I use Copper or aluminium or gold, as long as the wire gives 1 Ampere. the Heat generated from the wire and the magnetic field would be universal. By Looping the wire into 1 turn, I concentrate the poles on the perpendicular to the axis of the radius. by adding turns however using the same wire lenght and same ampere, the Ampere turns is added. ampere turns is Ampere * turns = AT. by increasing the wire lenght, the resistance also increase and then the Ampere recedes or decrease. Resulting in a waker magnetic field even if the number of turns is many, bacaus of lacking Amperes. Amperes is the Muscles of the Universe. Volt is the Mind of the Cosmos.

The only case I know when Amperes are emitted from a Antenna, in molecular air is in the form of Lightning.
The high Voltage breaks down the Resistance of the air molecules. Air is a good insulator, and a poor conductor. In the air between the eletrodes Electrons are removed into the Anode or + positive electrodes, and the air is Ionized, for the molecules are not moving, just the Electrons of the outer valence shell on the air. If the Molecules air had moved due top ionization then there would be a wind created and new molecules would constantly replenish the area. When the air is Ionized it becomes a Plasma, and Plasma is conductive. Air becomes a leading conductor just like metal, and an arc is formed between the
high voltage electrode terminals. Air has large Resistance.
Ergo high voltage is needed to form an Amperic current over the "Spark Gap".
Lightning is therefore a conductive path. The lightning is also Magnetic since it carries
Amperes. In Vacuum there is no lightning. Just a electron beam Cathode Ray . That beam is also deflected by magnets North attracts and south repells. That is TV tube technology. and Oscilloscopes.

That reminds me of the Magnetosphere. the radiant energy is frequenctial. it has to have repeated oscillations. But what if there is no radio in town. Can nature produce radio waves . Yes it can. Planets have a magnetosphere generated by its inner ampere. The Magnetic field of a planet interacts with solar winds. solar winds are Particles that eject from the solar surface. Electrons and Ions, charged particles. when a particle storm these particles are magnetic for the electron is - or "north"  and the Nucleus Ion is + "south". When this solar winds interacting with the magnetic field the Bow shock or magnetic field of the planet that faces the sun is trembeling, the vibrations caused in that interaction is emitted into space as radio waves, to be detected on other planets. The ions and electrons are captured inside Magnetopause circulating in the Magneto tail. I think that the "reconnection" when the charged particles Ions and Electrons in the magnetotail is colliding with Earth Atmosphere molecues is when the tail is contracting. and that is when the Magnetospheres bow shock is expanding, and that is when the solar wind is decreasing in activity. I would have a question if the Ions that are + charged orient toward the North Pole of the Earth and the electrons orient themselvs toward the South pole since both the particles and the Magnetic field interacting ?

It is very interesting the way microwave detection departs form InfraRed wave detection.
Since they are close in the Radiant spectrum. Microwaves in Radars, are captured by copper wire (or Aluminium) antennas but Infra Red is captured by Semiconductors or Crystals. The PIR detector uses
Gallium nitritt for detection of IR. Infra Red is not heat. it is a light emitted from the living being. I suspect the wavlenght of the InfraRed and the visual wavelenghts of light into solar panels and Blue Laser UV diodes is just like ordinary radio antennas that resonate in 1/4th of the carrier wave.

A Crystal resoantes in the geometric molecular lattice to the carrier wave. and then generating
electric current . The distance between the atoms in the molecule is stimulated by the ether Compression of Light and generating a amperic current. The molecular structure and its unique spatial relations or size between each atom resound or resonate in the "radio or light wave" geometrically.  A crystal semiconductor Is either a Piezo Pressure mechanically stimulated to generate a mild electric Watt = Volt* Ampere. Or by Radiant stimulation of Photons or radio waves. The Molecular structure is very samall and resound or
resonate with small wavelenghts. An atom is the smallest antenna of Radiant energy.



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