Absurd Nature of Ukraina and Russian, Chrimea conflict

Ukraina in Conflict with Russia
An interpretation of the absurd nature of the case
concerning the Chrimea peninsula  Mars 2014


In the recent weeks just following up on the
Olympic Games 07.02.2014 in Sochi, Russia.
Russia starts an Military act in Ukraina .

10 years after the Orange Revolution with Viktor Jusjtsjenko
(President 2004 - 2010) and Julia Timoshenko
(Prime Minister same period). Now released from political
prison after 3 years.

Russian company Gazproms pipes supplies
1/4 th of EU with CO2 producing Methan,


In 1993 the gas prices went world market in Ukraina
and by 2004, 80% of the pipe-rig went through
Ukraina from Russia, supplying EU.

Ukrainas President from 2010 V. Janukovitch is reported
with heart attack and out of drift. 07.03.2014
Claimed to be involved with " the separatists".
And in opposition to Ukraina and EU intergration.
Ukrainas President today is Oleksander Turtsjynov.

This week, a new prime minister is elected
on the peninsula of Crimea. By Russian separatist.
Named Sergeij Aksjonov, a politician
on Crimea, voted for 4% on the election in 2010.

A number between 20 000 - 30 000 troops
with no identification, is documented on site of Crimea.
in the recent time of 28. 02. 2014.

Troops entering the Simferopol
International Airport at 07. 03. 2014.
Hoisting the Russian Marines flag
and searching for Ukrainian Troops.

Ukrainas President O. Turtsjynov does not agree the
election of a "new President" at Crimea is within
the legal boundrys of Ukraina. Its against the law
to create a new state inside another state, without any
form of hearing or discussion.

It is said that the mayor population on Crimea
is old Russia supporters. And this is Putins card.

Putin claims in newspapers, he wants to avoid conflict
in Ukraina. And to help the Crimean minority of Russians.
To withstand the pressure of EU.
Once Ukraina has handed over the appliance for EU membership.

Putin expects an invation from EU troops in Crimea
to haunt the Russian population minority , and seemingly
act in advance, of such an incident.

To conclude the absurd nature of circumstances

It seems to me, the Russian Separatists
"stage acts" a minority to justify a  potential EU - invasion, in the future.
Suspiciously the Crimeas Separatists have Russias troops attention, at the snap of their fingers.
At the moment, the Russian minority on Crimea is certainly not the suffering ethnic group.

A way to reduce the power consumption,
where electrical energy in Watt is employed.
To change the fuses from 16A tolerance, down to 10 Ampere
before the fuse releases out. This reduces the amount of load,
reduces the bill and the electricity can be supplied to more people.

K. H. O.


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