Letter from a CyberPunk

Yesterday I spoke with a Dundee person from New Zeeland. And he told me about the Aboriginies. He said that they were more or less, being included in the society nowadays, and the segregation or social separation was not that destinct as before. However these people are considered a Stone Age people . And have a different mind set than us. I personally would describe such a mind set with the word : Integrity ! As opposed to a western society : a Sell out. Sell out knowledge to factories in China, for the benefit of cheap electrical commodeties and cheap clothes. Making the engeneers in the West unnable to understand basic patents, after a time. Selling out the fertile land for artificial fertilizer, making the earth slowly become a desert. Selling out the Atmosphere for CO2 and Petrolium Oil production. Not to speak of the political tension between Right vs. Left wings, religious constraints and racist separation to justify war. To have an "interest" of Oil and Gas, in a foreign country can hardly be labelled an act of "self defense".

Well. The Dundee also said that the Aboriginees had a rich knowledge of plants and natural elementary things. And could perform simple and basic work pretty well. Like : Electrical work ... (!) Carpenting and brushing chimneys clean ! The Aboriginees is after all considered kind of dumb. Because they do not have too much interest for Mathematics or Politics. And an ambivalent desire to apply to Western formalism.

The probleme with such a Stone Age integritiy is that they dont want to be Intergrated in a Western pop culture society, but rather a desire to have roots in their own tradition. The Dundee and myself continued the conversation and he revealed. Just like the Indians in the Americas, the Native Americans of the United States of America. Namely the Sioux, Cherokee and Apache to name a few. The people in reservates have an Alchohol probleme. And therefore certain restricitons are put upon thos who transit the Reservates, meaning alchohol is not allowed through the barred gates.

Our discussion moved to the controversial debate, of the Gipsys in the Europa. Problem is they dont seem to have a desire to be intergrated. They want to live a nomad life. However stuck in the middle with a dream of making fortunes from begging. The solution in my mind present itself like this. Prohibit alchohol, or limit it to such an extent that it is not the Ruin of Man. And always have an OPEN door between the society welfare system and education system towards the Gipsys, Indian Americans, and the Aboriginis that wants to become part and contribute to western society.

The Western Society that we live in. Some of us are born here without our will, and some are born outside the West, without their will ! Let me tell you of my interpretation of the West after 36 years of experience in the society, these are some of my observations and my judgement . Every food product one buys is full of toxins and synthetic additives to make it last longer on the shelf , look better and cut productional costs of real ingrediances. Animal fat is added in the meat to make it cheap. White flour bread is containing so small a grain that the flour seeps through the bloodveins unfiltered, and destroy the insides of ones blood veins particular in Hamburger and Pizza breads along with all white breads. This finegrained flour makines a relative healty body suceptible to Cholesterol damages, and heart strokes. And a genereally poor health. Somthing that certainly benefit the synthetic Medical industry. Check the label on the food you buy, one more time. Before falling for the cheapest trick in the book, namely cheapness. You get what you pay for. To become a citicen of the West . Be my guest ! Welcom to Hell. There is cynicism, corrupion, heartless people. Nobody is to be trusted. Every move you make is monitored. Every email one sends, every post is opened, and read. Since 1984 . Its not a nightmare, mate. It is real .There is no love. There is no spirituality. There is only career.

According to the ancient Egyptian Knowledge. Wesir is a name misread as Osiris, being husband of Isis and father of Horus. Wesir is master in the Land of the Dead. Wesir, to us known as The West. So henceforth be welcomed to the West, the land where the Sun Sets. Be my guest in the land of the dead. Your precence is a burden to society, and if your a worker, a contributer one will be worked to death. For the exchange of money. To get a loan, so the Banks can own your soul till your 6 feet under. I admit I am one of the fortunate I work as an Electrician and Love my Work ! People go to gyms to do hard exercise to justify a lardy bit of mayonese and a cheesburger. The girls seem forever dismayed, frigid and demanding. Givin nothing in return. If not manging to achive a Tertiary job. Job in a fine office doing paper work, pressing computer buttons. Doing economy, diplomatic politics, or a banker. Where there is served cakes all day, and is treated like a Nobleman ! I say : Welcome to the WEST.- Welcom to the land of the DEAD. Beware of sweetened cakes and alchohol. they are Mans Ruin.

This is the SHADOWLAND.
This is the SHADOWRUN !
And I am the CyberPunk !

To avoid responsibility everybody plays their favorite game . Called stupidity, stirred with ignorance. A man who doesnt know, can not be held accountable. And so it is, that nobody in the end will know anything, because the payroll doesnt constitute that particular responsibility. Rather hiring in consulent firms to write a report about the un-understood. But the consulent firm doesnt necceseraly know the answer, so they hire in another consulent firm. Resulting in a cascade of reports, but no work is done, and no knowledge is aquired. Just a pile of litterature. Littering the streets. This is the Land of Confusion.

A creativ brain is not worth much in the West. It is a theat to national security.
But mind me saing, mate. The Eastern domain is even worse ! In the Eastern Communist states, one can not even say ones opinion, neither speak critical about the political rule, the goverment economy nor speak about the industrial mistreatment of the population. But that one can in the WEST. And so it is, in the west one can express ones meaning !
Because nobody cares .

But I got News for you Mate.

Check Mate.


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