Letter to a Monster Polluter .

To Richard Branson. I read an interview today in the news DN Dagens Næringsliv. See link below . In the interview it is clearly put forth that Mr. Branson doesnt care, about the environmental issues. As long it is for a good cause. He arrives in Norway, in a private airoplane to discuss the avoidance of a strike in the Airliner Norwegian with Mr. Kjus. What a kind gesture Mr. Branson to let us in, sharing your wisdom about how to work with the union. Or rather, how to run a Airliner. Well how about paying a decent pay Mr. Kjus. Instead of pickin up Chinese people, that is always favoured when the bottom salarys is required, to run a multimillonair business.

Would you be so kind to me inform this. How many kilos of CO2 ( carbondioxides, you know what it is ) does one single Airoplane produce on an average, per day ? Then multipliy that number by the Airplanes in service * days per year ! Mulitplied that number by the years of operational drift of Virgin, in this case. And see how many tonns of toxic you leave behind. Dear Mr. Branson , your a great asset to the world and the community. Helping the world on faster route to damnation ! Gate 6 is closing in and ready for takoff. Have your tickets ready.

I have an idea Mr. Branson . Why dont you and the whole Monster Polluters Community out there, that is the Airliners I am talking about. Make a collaboration where you plant the amount of trees neccesary, capable of recycling the CO2 into biomass and Oxygene that is equivalent of what your machines put into the atomsphere, by coming to Norway and other places on Earth, to share your intoxication wisdom ? And hey, I want documentation !


Consider this a helping hand.
Kenneth H. Olsen.



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