Telenor backs up War in Ukraina

I read in the news E24, see link below.
That the Norwegian telecommunication company Telenor, that is a social democratic based policy, meaning the company is owned by partly private and part goverment interests. Telenor has purchased and is now owning 33% of Communist Russland Vimpelcom commuinication company. Also a part goverment part private owned.

It is said in the article referred to below, that due to the Russian invation of Ukraina, more preciely southern peninsula named Chrimea. The shareholder dividend ( Distribution of Profits, or what the owners can collect in cash after a year of drift ) is reduced because of large cost on the war. The loss in the Vimpelcoms Dividend Revenue is a staggering negative -2649 Million $. Instead of the stipulated positive dividend + 438 million $. The real dividend from Q4 ( forth quarter) , 2013 is as low as 158 million $ .

This poor numbers and hostile actions by the Moskva Regime is implying that the Russian Communists are spending telephone bill incomes from Vimpelcom. Backed up by Norwegian Hard Cash. To finance the War in Ukraina. And even speculative but not unimaginable also the scenario of using the Norwegian stability ownership as a security for Loans. Loans from whom, one might ask. Well, from Communist China the worlds leading economy. Leading because all thir employees are mistreated, overworked and low salary worksmen. And many if not all European and American factories is exported to China, to get a cheap product bought by Oil money. Now, did the Russian Communists actually believe they could invade Ukraina securing the precious Oil and Gas pipelines supplying Europa through the Ukrainian soil. By using Norwegian Telenor shareholders money !

The yearly payoff or dividend per year on a Vimpelcom share is now laughable low of 0.039 $. And Vimpelcoms "Write down", or Write off as the economist call it ( ...not rip off ) . Meaning the negative value of Vimpelcom is reduced by the dividend revenue ( or the company Profits per year) . The Write off due to the Invasion in Ukraina is for the Communist Russians a negative -2085 million American Dollars.

I didnt know the the Moskva Regime, also wanted «Red numbers» on their economy. But obviously they do. Last but not least, Norway should by all means GET OUT of the Vimpelcom company. Not only because it is supporting the War and repression of Ukrains souverignity over Chrimea. And not only because it is Communistic and a Godless regime. But because it is BAD BUSINESS. That is, if you people know what that is .

Kenneth Henrik Olsen


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