Nature is a Circuit Board

P. McEvoy 1947: When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new, end quote. My reply to this is the following : That implies that one trust the one talking, and that he or she knows what they are talking about. I am not listening to bullshit, for more than 2 seconds. So many people wants to talk. but so few resonate with the spiritual bone marrow of the cosmos. To teach is also a way of learning. Because in teaching, one finds out if the audience is resonating. Let me explain. by listening to unscrupulous oil business or the propaganda reel of a crazy dictator, or mindless commercials is not worth listning to. Mind you, the bluff is as old as the truth and the false is the shadow of the origional. While the teachings of how electricity, spirituality and cosmic conciousness is established, is to me what makes a good foundation of life quality. Why electricity one might ask ? The human brain and central nervous system is running on Volts and Ampere for starters. Nature is a circuit board. Because every material is per definition an electrical component. That is either a Conductor, a Semiconductor, or Insulator .

It is when I see the Radometer of William Crookes. The metal vanes in an exhausted glass bulb, that rotate on the feeble Infra red rays emitting from the warm human hand. And also piston that moves in and out and performs work in reciprocating engine action due to temprature differances, like the Hot Air Stirling engines. And the position of different metals close to one another to build up a potential differance, like in DC batterys. Or the AC circuit where North and South magnet poles hammer close to the coil alternately and change the direction of the current inside the turns of the wire.

Both of the following use heat differances to motivate a reciprocation of a piston or the rotation of an armature. The basic motions of mechanical work. The former is based in waves of Infra Red. The latter is based on molecular heat. Infact the Crookes Radiometer is a type of Stirling Engine, because it solely function on temprature differances. And no fuel is required as long as there is temprature differances over the element.

Crookes Radiometer

Stirling Engines

It is at that point I understand that Nature wants to work. But there has to be a knowledge of the indevidual materials, and to position them in sequence so they irritate eachother and work against one other in benefit of a machine like work. If all materials had the same properties no work would be done ! Because there would be no differances, neither in tempraure or in atomic number, and no electrical potential differances and no amperic flow. That means no action. The greater the diversity and differance of the materials and possibly also in psychology of the social networks. The better it is for progress. My conclusion is, diversity stimulate progress.

Nature is a work horse. Nature is a work machine. On the conterary of Newtons 1st Law of Motion , namely Inertia. Inert means a reluctance to move or react with other chemicals. A bowling ball that is rolled over the floor, will at some point will stop. Due to friction between the ball and the gravity grinding the ball closer to the earth, thus a resistance of motion and in the end the ball stos rolling. And a natural conclusion will be, every object wants to be at rest. Likewise a DC battery wants to discharge and balance all the electrons over from the Acid to the Base. When the Battery Anode + and the Cathode - is fully discharged then no more Amperes will travel between the terminals. For a new reaction to take place, the materials must be moved and put in contact with another material that reacts upon it. The Battery needs to be "recharged" by reversing the electrons back to their charged position, using another source of energy. for instance a dynamo.

I will however look at it otherwise.
The potential is stored in the indevidual materials. Stored in the materials integrity, that is their atomic number. Like Iron 26 have have 26 negative Electrons spinning around the positive core of and 26 protons, and 30 neutrons of no electric charge, if the atom is not an Isotope. The Atom will build a voltage potential differance in contact with for instance Copper 29. With the aid of an Electrolyte an Ampere will flow. Ergo, Nature is a working mechinism, and not inert ! Nature is not a resting place. Things do NOT want to be at ease. Even the insulated material with no potential or no amperes would be suceptible to stray radiation or miniscule chnges in the cosmic flora of energy . All materials react to one another in a large or less degree no matter how insulated they may be. I would suggest a new law of motion, The 4th law of motion. That is relating to the materials difference and their integrity, like Copper 29 will never want to becom Iron 26. So Coppers integrity is Copper of 29 protons and 29 electrons. And Iron is Fe26 integrity or indeviduality. In contact these will not be at rest . They will be at unrest. Or unease, or irritated, they will REACT. And in so doing a potential differance will occure. And by introducing an Electrolyte like Saltwater, there will be an electrical flow we call Ampere. This "law" will have a name of Law of Motion of Natural Unrest, electrical and chemical unrest between indevidual compounds of matter. The differance being the amount of surrounding electrons and protons in the core. Or the reactive condition of the molecule. Or the radiation properties of certain atoms. This 4th Motion Law would be called "Kinetc Engineering". For it is the knowledge of the internal atomic monopole UUD + potentials (Up Up Down quarks)  and the electrons monopoles negative forces, as they relate to the surrounding materials and exchange of potentials to motivate motion of eitgher electrons or motion of Atoms themselvs. And the ionostatic UUD and electron are two monopoles that

make a Dipole. Kinetic is the word for motion, thats why we in Norway call motion pictures for Kino and the English equivalent is Cinema. Potential energy on the other hans is the word for Positional energy. A tall mountain has a greater postional energy than a low mountain. Take for example a stone up on a mountain that rolls down the slope. The rolling stone is the kinetic and symbolically an electric Ampere. And the mountain tall, is the potential energy in electrical Volts.

4th Law of Motion : Kinetic Engineering
When developed, will explain how the potenital (Volt) and kinetic (Ampere) of the atoms and molecules are motivated when the different materials interact.

There is no such thing as a perpteum mobile. One can not obtain energy from nowhere. However, consider the large amount of energy that can be transformed from one type of energy into another. For instance solar rays into focused heat ray, or chemical energy into batterys, or Motion of water and wind into electrical energy by the use of alternators. The solar energy is by far not given freely. The Sun has accumulated Hydrogen H1 particles for millions of years before it could start to provide Sun rays. And it too has a limited lifespan. Every body of mass has a life span, plantary bodies like suns and clodes, galactic bodies like Black holes, pulsars and magnetars, terrestrial humanoids and animals, or bacterias and insects. All their bodily parts will be recycled. The only thing that is eternal. Is the natural formations, and the natural forces, like magnetism, static, gravity, temprature, and light waves . There will always be Suns and always be black holes. Always be magnetars and pulsars spread around in the cosmos, there will always be protons and electron. But each Sun, each black hole and each proton, every named or existing material has a life span. And even thou every object has a lifespan. The Proton and Electron will anyways always exist ! A Natures own forge or industrial press that stamp out the components required for operation. This can be called a eternal blessing, or it can be called a eternal curse. Forever in harmonic rearrangement, or forever at work. But anyways , its the way of nature. Nature is a motor or an engine that never will be at rest. Nature is constant action. Nature is the optimal recycling machine. It can recycle every part of itself. Energy and material. There is nothing wasted. The only Perpetum mobile is Nature itself. And there is only one price to pay. And that is to Pay Attention !


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