A non tax payer will not be able to Vote.

I have a suggestion for a new LAW !

§ The person that does not contribute with TAX from his or her own monetary work salary. To that state of interest. Is loosing his or her ability to Vote politically !

A non tax payer will not be able to Vote.

Some people pay tax to other countries, or skip the tax by tricksing with the numbers. Thats ok. But then you can not vote politically in that land. Only the Land or country where one is paying Tax, is legally That persons political Vote ground. If you pay tax to Panama, then one can vote only in panama. No matter if your a Norwegian, American or Somalian. How can a 0 tax contributer be allowed to influence the country politically ?

Its an suggestion for an international law. And will have to be agreed upon by several countries. The country in question, for instance Norway can claim :  The person NOT paying tax from his WORK , not only the tax from the goods he or she buys. That is applied 25% of every transaction. But from his SALARY, or monetary income ! Then that person is dismissed as a political citicen and unable to vote . He or she sacrtifice his political power for 0.- tax . No matter if one has 10.000 employees, and all of the employees pay tax from their salary. This is a INDEVIDUAL claim. And applies to the NAME and personality of each man and woman. Not their reputation, symbolic status or social rank. Even people on social welfare pay tax from their income. So they can vote.

Thats democrazy !


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