The Psycopath and Terrorism

It would be interesting to get every industrial leader, politician and military man to undergo a BRAINSCAN to see if he or she was fit to take decitions for the fellow man, or if they were psychopaths ! That lack the emotional register . To win the war against terrorism .

To raise the question. who is the terrorist ? Is it the ruthless leader who persue the goal with no empathy for the fellow man or the opponents. Or is the terrorist the person, defending their own country from being overtaken by intruders.

Our world has many mental progamming methods, called brainwashing. Playing people up against one another. Religion is a mental program. Media is a propaganda program. Politics is also a mass programming method. The word is deceptive, words can mean two things at the same time. See that the words "High Perfection" sounds exactly like "Hyper Fiction" however unlike meaning. When words are deceptive, on the other hand music and tones is not. The musical rythem is as unmistakable as the signature of a heartbeat. Music speaks only one language. Avoiding any confusion. The most important thing ones physical presence can do, is to forget all political and religious biases, and sing in tune ! Whistle in tune, and drum the rhythm of the heart beat.

Where there used to be Art, there is now commercials .
Where there used to be entertainment, drama and poetry.
There is now war propaganda.

Evil would be to play on peoples patriotism and emotional register to obtain a certain goal .

The word of a Man can never exeed Natures authority.
No book or text is more holy than Nature itself.
One can trust in rhythem and sound, but not rely on words for true meaning or direction in life.
Musical harmony is a geometry that resonate with the body and mind.

The emotional response can be trained upon using rythem and sound. To drum in rythem of the melody increase the collective feeling. Because the piano player is relying on the drummer for the beat. And also to sing in tune. One has to trust the other person in the band, to play the correct tune to get the emotional resopnse from the harmonies ! This can be trained upon by whisteling ones favorite tune ! Harmony is geometry that relates to itself, that is 1. And in heritage of Pythagoras from Egypt PTH. To obtain harmony the geometric lines or frequencies must share an interval relationship that relates geomtrically to initial 1 base lenght. Like the 12tet, or Pythagoras Formula or the Golden Ratio. The value of 1 is of ones personal desire. It can be 10 centimeters, 20 inches or 30 Hertz or any number as long as it relates to the base line. This can be applied to architecture and to music. Unless this criteria is obtained the product is disharmonic, and a cause of discomfort, disease and the worse.

Music has no political bias .
But the lyric has .
Words can be lies and truth at the same time .

Occupy your own mind.
Study Nature.
Never be afraid to die.
Respect death. Respect life
Assist the fellow man, and woman, animal and organism alike and any facet of nature.
Think with the heart. what decition eases the heart and gives way for relaxed breathing .
Beware of words.The brain is the delusion, and is easily manipulated .
Any uncertainty that arise between humans or animals, can be eased by a handshake or direct body contact.

Understand Volt and Ampere. Study Lightening.

According to the Psychiatrist James Fallon
a brainscan will reveal a psycopath in a PET scan.

K. H. O.


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