National Security


It has occurred to me there is a reluctancy in the population, concerning the notion of being watched by the national surveillance organ. The surveillance activity is certainly to prevent potential threats to the governmental services, even at the cost of citicens privacy and also at the cost of the TAX money provided from the working man and woman. This is done in a variety of ways, by camera surveillance on specific geographical hotspots . By intercepting emails, sent between adresses on the PSTN service. Intercepting Text messages over the GPS mobile network. Clock of call initiated, position of the basestation transferring the call. Back in the days all ordinary post were lighted through and read before the recipient got the paper . All Internet pages a person is clicking onto, is filed in the «history» tab and easily a surveilance agent may conclude the persons activity. The adress of an internet page is a small byte code, and if the site is still online ones activity can be traced years back in time . Also, I have understood that governmental or private intelligence can hijack the post order of packets. Lets say I order something from a foreign land. The Norewegian PST or the Russian KGB or British MI5, German BND, not to forget the CIA and NSA that is the hottest potato since the Cold War. These services can at will spoil or jam the post address making shure the packet never arrives the destination . If the content of the parcel is on a special list of items that is rendered potential danger, the packet is returned to sender, before it ever arrived. Every credit card transation is also noted in your «file». Position where and when the amount of money was inserted or redrawn is also saved to disk. Not to forget the «google search field». Every searched text is saved on a special haddisk. This method is simple and expected, when the govement has made an enemy of its own citicens. A tip to the consumer is to make shure of ones own statements. Make every transaction a signal of concoius behaviour. Everybodys famous in the 21th century. Everybody is on the surveillance camera. Make shure you look good.

There is however another issue of National Security that is of much greater importance, the National Intelligence might not be aware of. In these times of Western riches. The cost of paying the labouring man and woman has outgrown the income the person is producing by the hour. The cost of benefits, vacations, overtime, health costs and environmental costs for special waste products has suffocated the factories on national ground, making them unprofitable. The cost of factories producing household commodities has grown too large. Production of shoes, clothes, printing books and newpapers, electronics, and furniture is all exported to low cost countries. For cheap cost of import.

That might seem like a benefit, if one sees slavery as a quality of life. The People who work in low cost countries like China and India. Work up to 16 hours a day. No overtime money, no vacation and environmental issues of waste products and gaseous toxin levels of production rendered illegal in both EU and in the USA. Since the Factory is outside of Norwegian HMS - (health, Milieu and Safety) Helse Miljø og Sikkerhet. OSH in the US Occupational Safety and Health the factory laborer is therefor not restricted under the importers health and benefit regulation and can that way be exploited to a large degree.

For an economist this might seem trivial, but notice this. By exporting the factory to China and India leaving the factory administration in high cost countries like EU and USA, the technical competance is also lost from EU and from the USA. That brings me to the crucial point of this essay. How come the weapon factories of Norway is not exported to China or India. Neither is the weapon factory in Germany exported to India. Nor the USA exports weapon factories to China. Why is that ? Since all the technical competance is exported to foreign low cost countries ?

Let me inform that the only factories is still lingering in EU and USA. Is the war factories. This shurely also makes war technology a safe investment for the war profiteer. Bullets have a short shelf time and needs to be used. Wars are therefore initiated, to keep the blades sharp. And the war in Afganistan and Syria a reality . The only product Made in Norway is therefore guns and ammunition. 

A national threat is therefore formulating as a recoil of engineering incompetance, rendering only selected few narrow minded weapon specialists in the national force able to conduct developement of advanced and basic weapons. The sellout of all commodity factories to China has practically made them the wide leading technical advisor, having more people employed in the field who understand the patents and managing to build the machines from blueprints. To own a patent is useless if one does not understand how to build the machine !

It would be unwise to move the weapon factory out of the National Perimeters. Because a trade block will make the weapon importing country practically defensless. But then again, when all the able engineers is from India and China who to hire for the job. The problem arise when EU and USA is to defend themselfs from threats. I have two examples that this is a matter of concerne. Example number one. Norway has aquired over 50 combat airoplanes named JSF program F-35 from USA  weapon factory Lockeheed Martin . I read in the newsfeed that due to construction failures in the jet system and in the software programming that is controlling the automated motors and signal system had many failures and the plane is not operationally safe. Poor control over the sub - contractors hired in to do the mechanical work. The technology is "too advanced» for the technicians. The conclusion is that the planes is not able to fly per date of november 2014. first delivery of airoplanes is 2015 - 2016. contract was signed in (2011?) . Hopefully the airoplanes will arrive before WWIII. So I begin to think. Maybe EU must buy combat airoplanes from the China or India ?

Like is already done in the Space community, and is formulating my second example in this matter. All NASA and ESA stamped space rockets is in fact SOYUZ technology and of Russian origin from the 1960`s. Not to mention the enormous polluting impact every space launch has on the environment. For every Space launch The Moscow regime gets their monetary share. So they can pay back their loans to China. And continue the war against Ukraine.

Jet Engine RD-180
Documentary by Channel 4 Equinox :
The Engines that came from the Cold, How the NK-33 / RD-180 came to the USA.

Used by the Lockheed Martin, designed in Russia. Notice in the video that the Program is shut down by Kreml due to enormous costs for the tax payers, and later the rockets is used for pigsties in honour of their achievements !

Making them all Communist supporters, since the West is pouring money into Communist China and Communist Russia. And for the consumer, is no choise but to support the regimes. For every factory is sold to the communists, because they are cheap, and treat their citicens like degraded animals. And in the West. Every person is treated like a bloated and demoralized God of consumption. All the creative artists and experimental engineers is in the West are reduced to hobbyists that is supposedly posing a threat to the government . All the scientists must follow up on the «Nobel Price» regime. That supports the line of developement of Einstein, Marconi and TNT inventor himself Alfred Nobel. Let me elaborate on why Einstein and Marconi in particular is not worthy of their titles. Einstein published in 1905 the paper on Photo electric effect. 4 years later than a man shrouded in mystery to this date had built and patented a device utilizing the same Radiant Energy US Pat 685,957. In that patent paper he describes the photo electric effect 4 years before Einstein, Quote line 25 : The sources of Radiant energy thrown off with great velocity minute particles (electrons) of matter that is strongly electrified. End Quote. Marconi is awarded by doing the same, in 1909 recieving the Nobel price for Wireless telegraphy. An art known since 1850, and today known as WiFi. Using the same mans technology for transmitting radio waves over the Atlantic ocean, but still regarded an able inventor in named in schoolbooks , media and the Nobel hall of fame. Although been removed  from the status of "Father of Radio" by the Supreme Court of the United States 1943 stating correctly that, Marconis radio machines rely on patents by others. Who is the mysterios man, and the origional inventor, that is Nikola Tesla. Lord Kelvin and William Crookes. Also in tradition of the Nobel price inadequacy, not to forget a 2 months fresh American Presiden Obama recieving the Peace Price 2009, for no reason ... giving the whole operation a dubious stench. The scientists must follow these guidelines laid out by the Nobel Comitty to obtain status as Scientist, because every scientist wants to be "Eternalized in the Noble Record". Leading them all out the mountain cliff. one by one. The theoretical scientist has therefore not contributed to anything but confusion for the last 60 years ! To name a few modern mistakes, there is the Big Bang Theory, the Inflation Theory, the Hubbles Constant of the expanding universe, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Special Relativity of Gravity. None of these mathematical concepts have any foundations in real world physics !

To emigrate factories to low cost countries is not just an economical factor to sustain slave labour, but a matter of National Security. The technical know-how is eroding from EU and USA and the ability to construct functioning mechanical works with own machinists and electricians. The status needs to be increased for the Mechanics, Welders, Electricians, Plummers and Builders, Recycling industry and most of all the Artists of creative arts. The factories need to be moved back into national perimeters to obtain National Security. This can be done by applying the same OSH Occupational Safety and Healt regulations, to all the production chains involved across all countries involved for production of goods and commodities. The Importer of the products must be certain that the same OSH rules applies for the factory employees producing the goods, even if the factory is in another country, as the people consuming the products. The Same OSH for the Producer as for the Importer. Meaning life quality is increased for the factory employees,  anywhere on the globe and elsewhere ! And Ethical and Moral standard that is a signal of good faith, and of proper conduct for a civilisation taking itself seriously into the future . If the cost of the foreign OSH is too large for the importer, then move the factory back to country of origin, or where consumption takes place, in this case EU or USA .

Status is pride of ones own work, not the amount of money on ones account. Money is not just money. money can be won in gambling, lottery or inherited. Those who inherit or win money will often not understand their value and spend it unwittingly, or become greedy about getting hold of them. Money can be thefted, scammed or tricked out of the pockets, but those who perform such acts will never sleep securely at night, or feel peace and calm. They are always on the run . Unlike the worker who has traded his or her work hours into hard cash, and taxed every coin . And slowly by slowly built up the knowledge of how to prioritize. Tax, is actually a modern way of offering to the Gods ! By sharing alittle of ones own goods, one is favoured, protected and can relax at home in peace. Meaning those who do not pay tax, is haunted by the gods, and not favoured by the law, symbolically. This was initiated by the ancient Egyptians as the Hotep. To clarify my statement I will reveal an understanding has presented itself for me. There are two systems of truth. One system is Natures system, how nature functions, with its own laws. The other system is the system agreed between humans, like law, economics, religion and symbolism. Educational trends, canonized history and favoured path of evolution retold to the new generation, these are artificial systems, and interpreted by a being . Information is weighted, balanced, valued and favoured to build a certain attitude to a subject. Where on the other side, natures system is the real reality, material and spiritual, uninterpreted.

Let it also be known that Money is the true Dictator. Allow not the dictator to ruin your life, there are many other qualities of life. One can make people dance naked in the streets for a golden coin, Its all a matter of how cheap the soul is sold and how much the integrity is degraded. The other qualities in life, except for money is the natural resources that in fact is the foundation of the monetary values or means of trade. Not the value of money itself, that is known from monetary inflation. Stamping out more coins wont make you rich, the result is one has to carry more coins to the shop for bread and milk ! It is therefore of crucial importance, not to destroy the values of nature. That is the basis of our trading platform. Nature is infinitely intelligent, it only takes a brain to figure how it is used, for the purpose desired. So use it, dont destroy it . All things circulate. Nothing stands still. Only the mechanisms of Nature will prevail in all eternity. So learn from Nature, the infinit master of knowledge. The gateway to infinit knowledge is Nature.

Today it seems the priority is on "health", meaning the governments support the medical industry so the citicens bad habits can be sustained by selling them remedies in pill form, not a change in lifestyle. The most unneccesary health issues is in my understanding lifestyle diseases, eating disorders, smoking disorders, and alchohol disorder. These can be remedied by not feeding the body with toxins .

See this rather interesting video about Enzymes

By Enzymedica - the Enzyme Experts. A enzyme suppliment for poor digestion habits.
Where the Enzymes in fact are small molecular machines performing very advanced tasks.
Enzyme a Protein (Video RCSB Protein Data Bank :  Protein is a complicated molecular machines made of amino acids ) that serve as a catalyst, a bio machine driven by Ionic or Potential Volt differences that produce chemical reaction at an increased velocity or controlled velocity in relation to other processes. In that occation I would rather call it Bio-Electricity, a subject of Bio Engineering. The absorbtion of nutrients from foods is enabled by the enzymes produced in the pancreas (saliva ,stomach and intestines) in the body of the consumer but there are also enzymes in the foods that is eaten, like bananas and oranges although these are not vital to the digestion. The enzyme produced in the consumer break down the food, into nutrient in molecular form that is transported via the blood stream into the many organs, making enzymes a vital for function for lifeforms.

The video concludes that by eating raw and uncooked foods, many illnesses can be avoided. And it would be no surprise to claim that food is medicine. On the other hand, cooked and processed foods, the enzymes produced in the consumer is not fully activated and needs in worst cases additional laboritory synthesized or extracted supplements.

Not only intoxicated food is destroying the human, animals and the environment. But so does certainly the Oil industry is eat souls by the minute, and a threat to the global health as a whole . The salary of the pyramid top people, must be reduced, and their morals must be increased. These are the foundation of the functioning society. Not the administration that speculates in where low cost labour can be exploited.

Good Evening.



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