Electricity from the Ionosphere - Tethers and Weather Control

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To harvest electricity and get control over weather using Tethers.

Presume that the Earth and Ionosphere is a Capacitor. Where the Earth is a negative charged plate with a vast reservoir of Electrons and therefore of Negative charge. And the other plate is the Ionosphere, upper part of the atmosphere at elevation of 70 - 350 km separated from the soil, this plate is Positive . Between the two charged plates there will be an Electrostatic field called the E-Field of varying strenghts. Variations due to geographical topography and material conductivity of the Earth itself and the charge in the portion of the sky.
It is said by Solar scientists that the Sun emits many types of particles, Usually Protons, also known as Hydrogene Ions when the counterpart Neutron ( UDD quarks) is in the nucleus with the Proton ( UUD quarks), however in lack of an Electron and thus a positive charge . The Sun also emits Electrons, or Beta particles. Alpha particles is Helium cores of 2 Protons also with positive charge but no chemical activity, its a Noble gas particle. And most probably other particles and numerous optical waveforms. It is also an intersting observation that the Electron itself is noted according to the Standard Model as a Subatomic Particle. And I presume it has gravitational weight, since a rechargable Lead-Sulphure batterys electrolyte is measured for electrical charge in weight, or Gram per Cubic volume . The electrolyte is heavier when charged full of electrons . How can a so called Electron wave have weight ? I would think the electrons are particles. For curiosity it is rather strange that science claim the Optical waveforms or electromagnetic spectrum as "photons" when all light is measured in wavelenghts. Light has no wheight, and thus can not be material, but a compression and rarification interval forming waveform with a certain wavelenght in substances, prevailing in atmospheric mass, on solids, and in vacuum. The vacuum is therefore a substance, since it can contract and expand due to electromagnetic waves, and respond to static and magnetic fields. electromagnetic is a later and very confusing name for the spectrum, and different from its origional name : Radiant waves, named by its discoverer William Crookes . I however call the electromagnetic spectrum : Optical spectrum, Not because it is visible in all wavelenghts, but because it is said that both radio waves and light waves can be Reflected and Refracted in prisms , or objects. like coils . And that phenomena is known today as wireless transfer of electric signals. A signal from coil to coil using optical waves as transmission. I however am confident that the electron is not travelling between the coils, the electrons in motion between a Volt potential called Amperes, is confined inside the wire. If electrons break out of the wire, its called a lightning arc .

As far as I understand, when the Ionosphere that from the beginning is of positive charge, is rubbed over with more Protons and Ions ejected from the sun, the Ionosphere will respond by becoming even more static, and the Electric Field between the Earth and the Ionosphere will be intensified. It is also known that when the electro static field intensifies to a certain amount, the insulation breaks down and a conductive path is formed known as an Arc, or lightning strike. It may also be true, on the opposite side that when Electrons are emitted from the Sun to the Earth the Ionosphere will decrease its E-field .

2. Ionosphere, the Diurnal Effect

I may also presume that when the potential difference between plate 1, Earth and plate 2, the Ionosphere is large enough. The E-field will induce static charge into the clouds,  In Cloud science its said a clouds forms around a grain of sand, and crystal droplets accumulate on these, and temperatures and winds form them and their ability to form rain. But I think its a electro chemical process, not just chemical. Because there are sheldom lightning strikes from an open sky, and likewise the rain aid the Conductivity. A point of lighning strike is most likey a wet place, or rich on electrons like a large metal piece of good conductivity . and not dry place with high Resistance to conduct.

When rain falls on the ground it forms a good conduct between the soil, and the lightning bolt. The lightning can drill itself down into the soil of ground and pump out an amount of electrons in a large current to discharge the Ionosphere in a violent fast manuver. The soil becomes more conductive with "electrolytic" fluids. because a liqid will have a large contact surface connecting other particles, and "entrinsic or self contained" conductive properties woven into its molecular being. It is well known that the grounding rod for all electrical installations favours a wet grounding spot, and a dry and rocky grounding electrode is very poor. The ground conducts good because there are many metals dissolved as stray particles. This way I assume that the weather on Earth is intimately linked with space weather, sun ejecta of particles.

3. Birth of a Lightning Bolt

To this occasion I have fabricated an idea on how to harvest electricity from the Ionosphere and in so doing, maybe of possibility to control the weather. This idea is described as follows. On geographic positions of the Globe. Where the weather is desired to controlled. One hoist up a balloon that can catch static, composed of a insulating material . A balloon that can pick up static charge from the ionosphere and store it on its shell, this functions as another plate of Capacitance. A Tether is an object constrained by a wire, and usually erected up into the air. For instance a conductive wire to a balloon, the conductive wire would need to be on the inside of the balloons dielectric surface . A wire is connected between the Balloon and the Earth, broken by a switch for On and Off and a load that is a electric battery to charge up, a Fuse is also installed that burn over at a current of 2 Ampere, due to thermal heating of the wire, in case of lightning strike onto the balloon. The thermal influence from the Amperes will change the viscosity of the conductor and make the Resistance increase and the wire will eventually melt like a liquid when Amperes above the tolerance is reached for this particular fuse.When the switch is closed, the static accumulated on the balloon suck Electrons to itself from the Earth, and a small Amperic current (noted in coloumb, in Ampere seconds ) will travel along the wire from Earth up toward the balloon and populated the balloon with Electrons, discharging the surface of static. One wire from the balloon in series with a Fuse and a Switch to one terminal at the battery. The other battery terminal to Earth electrode . These Electrons will, if all goes well be again sucked off the balloon insulated shell, into the Ionosphere and discharge the Ionosphere at a local distance away from the balloon, Discharging the ionosphere and lowering the possibility of Lightening and possible rain. It may be useful in areas with much rain and lightning and no mountains to build hydroelectric power stations . The rain clouds will then distribute itself over other areas, most probably .

Of what Voltages and Amperes the facility will produce is a feature of intimate knowledge on electromechanical engeneering . As far as I have gathered the Voltages used to capacitate plates must be rather high. And the Ampere is usually very low. In ordinary descriptions of Capacitors there is no mention of how thick the insulation should be or what Voltages that charge the dielectrics. It is safe to say I have have a hard time constructing capacitors that suit my purposes .

A comment on conductors and Amperes and viscosity. Take this analog to sawing a metal, for instance iron. When the iron is cold and brittle, it takes less power to saw than when the iron gets heated, its like sawing in syrup. Both saw blade and iron heats up. Then the saw blade ( or drill bore ) gets blunted and unsharp. It is therefore important to use cooling fluids. Dishwasher detergent green type (liquid soap) is favoured instead of oils. When a conductor heats due to the Amperes the conductivity receedes, however it is the opposite for insulators. An insulator like glass, increase conductivity with increased temptrature or hot liquid glass conducts well. A ratio from Heat ( Energy in Joules ) to Resistance per meter is needed. Because it may be that every atomic material has an individual viscosity ( solid to liquid ) "ratio" to Heat from source origin as IR (infra red), Amperes or mechanical defomation. The "flame" is understood as a chemical reaction involving solids and gases and high tempratures . Either a mechanical deformation of a solid, so the vibration of the solids atoms begin vibrating and the temprature rises, the solid then is reacting chemically with the atmospheric gas and render a flame (like rubbing wood sticks to get flame), To increase temperature using the suns IR and focus the rays from the area into a small point using a lense is also possible. However when the temprature is increased , the Conductivity per meter is changed in conducting metals . Amperes in a wire is also a heat source and therefore all electricity is a potential fire hazard . An indevidual index for each periodic element in any combination . To enable a calculation the temperature of a wire as a "lone wir" or in a "coiled formation" using Ampere, wire crossection and number of turns and core diameter of the coil is a challenge beyond the ordinary .

4. Lightning Spread Upwards

For more information on Lightning rods see Tesla us Pat 1,266,175. Where Tesla describes that Benjamin Franklins older lightning rod concept with sharp points, That Franklins Lighening rod rather adds to the ionic charge around the conductor and aids the lightning strike, Whereas as Teslas dome shaped anti lightning rod, deflects the lightning . An observation Franklin would have liked, the shape of the Capacitor is important for its function. A thruout text on the subject would be written by Nikola Tesla himself, 1919 . And it is obvious where I have been inspired on the matter .

5 . Famous Scientific Illusions - Chapter II

Something I have heared from my `old timer collegue. He said this. If you are in a cabin out in the forest, and want to know the weather , that is if to predict a weather forecast of rain or sun ? To have a function of a Barometer, you do like this he said . Chop off a branch of a tree, thick as a thumb with some large leaves on . Then bring this to your home and mount it on your wall at the base, like a branch on a tree. Then, when the Air is Dry. that is High Pressure and open sky. cloudless, hot in the day and cold at night . Ionic charge. Then the branch tip will rise up . Because the water is sucked out of the plant. the atmospheric levels of gases and fluids balance and level out even, including tempraures. When on the conterary there is rainy weather, Low Pressure, rain is coming. Clouds. then the branch tip will tend to be heavier and droop down from the wall. It probably absorbs atmospheric molecules and becomes heavier . A conclusion : The wood respond to the atmosphere. High and Low pressure might relate to charged or discharged Ionosphere .

The branch of wood most probably respond to Ionic charge or sunshine as to draw water from the roots. in that driving the photosynthesis. The Plant may be electrically primary driven by IR waves from the sun ! Not to mention the resemblance of the tree roots to electrical cables. the wood is insulated by bark, and the nerve on the inside is slippy, but very strong and conducting fluid to the tree. Remember that wood is carbon, and carbon is potentially diamond.

Interesting Documents and Videos
6. Tesla US pat 1.266.175
7. Rare Ligtening : Sprites

Kenneth H. Olsen



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