Essay on Gravitational Lensing

Essay concerning Gravitational lensing.

I saw a documentary describing the Time dialation and the Einstein theory of Relativity. what facinates me the most was the fact that 2 atomic clocks were compared in time differance, where clock 1 was situated close to the Earth surface sealevel, and Clock 2 was positioned at an high altitude. It was then proven that the atomic clock of higher altitude had a faster beat than the clock close to the Earth. the differance was some nanoseconds after a few days . A piece of information that caused me some confusion is that it is also said that an Astronaut ages slower in space than a person on Earth . How can it be that a Clock 2 near space (that is high altitude in earth gravity and velocity) clocks faster, but a person in Space clocks slower ! A paradox it seems. It is however explained in 1. General Relativity, that a high altitude clock or a mounteneer for that matter, ages faster or clocks faster than a person or clock near the Earth. However in 2. Special Relativity it is stated that a object detatched from Earth Graivty, experience a slower internal clock. It has something to do with the velocity, and the gravity mass. A tiny gravity object with high internal clock speed, can increase its velocity and thus slow down its internal clocks compared to other objects. The classical interpretation launched by the great mind of Hendrik Lorentz. Known as Lorentz transformations :

The equations describe how the dimensions of space is altered, due to motion of the observer, Since time is in the function, it will also be distorted. It is however noted in the text that Lightspeed is considered a constant. Something I would oppose. Because I think that the speed of light is changing in large gravity, and the fastest light speed is in true vacuum. In my interpretation each space object, each planet relative to eachother experience a Lorentz Transformation. And each Gravity object has its indevidual Lorentz (or Descartesian) geomtery, depending on its Gravity, and content of mass. And the solar system bodies interact with varying degree of Lorenz transformations as they approach or reccede from the observer. what concernes Spacetime is when the volumetric axis of an object is fused with time. Clocktime is a product of the volumetric dimensions, its velocity and gravity . I have an objection to producing one number out of many dimensions. That is from multiplying height, lenght and time or velocity into one number makes it impossible at a later stage to determine what the  indevidual values are . Its impossible to determine from one number if its a large and slow object or a fast and small object . An electrical analogy again would be the term of Watt. 1 Ampere * 10 Volts = 10 Watt. And 10 Amperes * 1 volts is also = 10 Watt. Reading on the nameplate 10Watts, it is impossible to know what the Voltage and Amperes are tolerable for the circuit, unless the voltage is stamped on, the same goes for L= henrys, and C = farads . However I am nowehere even near the abilities to calculate differential geometries, and rest mycase on that for a while ...

For the environment to sustain harmony, all clocks and wave propagations must retain a certain tempo. For instance a person in High altitude, restrained to Earth Gravity. The persons biological clock like a mechanical clock remains "in synch to the individuals in his or her local environment. But as the person travel downhill toward the sealevel, gravity increases closer to Earth, Time Slows down. The mechanical action of cogs slow down, and so does the lightwaves ! Inter atomic communication like electrons would communicate slower between eachother due to gravitational "resistance" to conserve the lightwave interval per time unit, a synchronisation between lightwaves and atomic communication, percieved as time in each "Lorenze platform". If Light waves was out of synch, then a Blue ( short wavelenght ) on a mountaintop, would appear Red ( long wavelenght) at the sealevel due to the sealevel clock is slow, and the lightwave is "Constant". (?) Now if an object is detatched from Earth Gravity, like a satelite, ISS or the Moon it is expermintally proven that the clock beat slows down, compared to a large gravity unit, Earth. The time dialation is a product of Velocity and Gravity, High speed slows the clock down, and a large Gravity object slows clocktime down. Low speed increase clock time and so does low gravity. The ISS spacestation (partially detatched from earth gravity) that is faster than earth rotation, it orbits about 15 times around earth per day ! And due to its great speed compared to earth its clocks are slowed down.

I would think that the speed of light decrease or slows down as the gravity increases. And implying that the "c" constant of light speed about 3E8 meter per second (3 with 8 zeroes ) is by no means a constant. A constant is only a constant in its respective environment. That is in the correct atmospheric density, at the correct temprature. Lightspeed is only constant in a defined rarification of vacuum. the speed changes as the waves enter atmospheres of different molecules. An electric analogy is Ohms Resistance of conductors. It is said that The only certain thing there is is the resistance, Both the Volts and Amperes can vary, that is a truth with modifications. The Resistance is only constant as long as the temprature is not increased. the higher temeprature of a coil or wire, the larger is the Resistance and thus a lower Ampere in the wire. The lightwaves would likewise change speed, depending on the distance to gravitational objects. the fastest light wave would occure in the cosmic Void, and the slowest light wave in a supermassive black hole (?). ( the concept is still unclear to me, and way out of my league, and is up for debate and later changes)... Reading these articles it is seen that Time and spacial dimensions is an ancient concept. But as Geometry on paper is a timeless concept. A machine of mechanical purpose must have time in it to perform any work. A machine or mechanism with no motion, is practically a sculpture . And it too will react with weather, just look at the green patinas on the copper sculptures, they too have ageing in the equation.

Gravity increase by the number of particles inside the volumetric unit . Earth Has its defined size, not regarding its elastic properties as the equator expands as it is closer to the sun or further away compressing its equatorial circumference . Therefore it would be better to measure a planets diameter vertically , not horizontally due to its tidal elasticity . I have for this occation fabricated a theory that in my own graphical approach might give an alternative interpretation of the Gravitational Lensing effect, suggested by Relative theory. And in practial use of astronomers on a daily basis.

First I will set some presumptions for how I percieve nature.

1. Light is not photonic particles that share similarities with a cannonball move through space. Light is understood as a compression and rarification of "Aether" in lack of a better expression. Light can move through vacuum and needs no particles to transmit from one place to another. Light is therefore measured in wavelenght and not in motion of particles per meter.

2. Light waves is then emitted as intervals of very high frequency as rings or spheres in omni directional expansion from the source. that is in all directions at once. Like a ring in water, when an object is dropped into a liquid. One period of light or compression - rarification interval that contains one wavelenght of light information has a amplitude or intensity that dissapates as the surface of the bubble or membrane increase . Like a ring in water. the larger the circumference, the less amplitude of the wavefront.

3. Elastic properties of waves. I have observed that if I drop a square object into water. the waves that expand are not a replica of the shape of its origin, a square brick or a wooden branch. they all form Rings ! These rings expand until the liquid medium has absorbed its motion into inertia. this leads me into thinking that there must be a elastic property of waves that always seek to form rings in wate, as in light waves. A square brick dropped into water must therefore rarify or expand the wave front from the flat sides. and compress its wavefront at the corners, as to create a circle. a rectangular object dropped into water will therefore have a large rarification distance from its longest sides, compared to the corners and shortest sides of the plank or object dropped into water. the rings is said to have the most energy conservative form, and seemingly a wave form favorite. see drawing 1.

4. On the other hand, rings in water, like ripples of rain water. one can see that the rings does not obstruct one another. the expanding rings move past oneanother only relating to the source of origin and an eventual bounceback wave from a wall. the waves can then add in amplitude and standing waves can be performed, or rather resonant waveforms.

5. A large gravitational object will decrease the speed of light waves, mechanical motion and biological clocks. Making all the atoms, molecules and bodies on the same gravitational level, experience the same clockspeed. Strange it may seem the largest gravitational effect would be on the surface of a solid object. for if I dig a hole down to the middle of the radius of the earth. the gravity would certainly be less, I would think ... In the middle of the earth there would be low gravity but high pressure. Or lowering an atomic clock some kilometers down into earth I presume that would act the same as a high altitude clock. that is no way of knowing before a test is done. I dont have that eqipment. Or maybe the opposite result, sometimes Its the other way around .

6. The circumference of a planet and its gravitational constant would also determine its atomic content material. I presume that the diameter of 2 * hydrogene atom is larger than 1 * Helium atom. Beause in a Helium atom the cores are fused into one unit. and having two hydrogene atoms will have a distance between them . Enabling a rational way to exclude that Earth contains only hydrogen or only Lead impossible. A planet containing only Lead Pb84 will be considerabley smaller circumference than Earth if it was to have the same gravitational constant of 9.81 meter per second^2. And a Hydrogen space object (solar unit) would be incredibly large at 9.81 meter / s^2 . irrespectable to its state of phase, solid or gas in this thought experimnent. earth having its gravitational constant would therefore have a unique combination of molecules, determining its atomic content relating to its circumference.

7. Light waves is a transmission wave of optical information and heat, that is infra red. the wave itself even though measured in Watt per meter. and named electromagnetic radiation. contains no magnetism or static potential nor temprature. Before it interacts with a target atom. when Light interacts with coils, a radio reception is possible. Infra red heating or increased vibration of atoms , and static potential can be charged on conducting plates that are insulated. If a light wave from the sun contained heat in its waveform, vacuum should be boiling hot, and it isnt. The name Electromagnetic Spectrum should be changed to Optical Radiation. Radio and wifi technology reflects and refracts like light waves in a prims, and should be treateds as optical technology . the name electromagnetic may be of historical reasons when Maxwell theorized link between the light in a induction coil can be recieved on a distant place , creating a amperic current in a coil on a different location, thus electromagnetic. Noted earliest by Prof. Joseph Henry of Princeton University in 1838 . about 25 years earlier than Maxwells theories came along. Henry discharged a Leyden jar into a coil containing a spark gap, enabling fast oscillations of current. And via the spark gap exciting a current in a separate coil circuit as a reciever. Heinrich Hertz published his theory in 1888 , 50 years later than Henrys discovery ! Quote Erskine Murray : handbook of wireless telegraphy .

8. this theory implies that gravity have an equal pull on material particles as it enables a pull of lightwaves and distorts them to give way for lense refraction . A thought coming from the notion that the electron clocks speed up at large gravity. why should light have a constant velocity when none of the other parameters has ? I imagine it like this. A prism splits a white light ray into the 7 colour of the rainbow. the red is the largest wavelenght and spends more time inside the refractory body of a glass prism, I presume that the light speed is constant inside each medium. So when light is in air, in the same gravity it has the same speed. But since the light of red colour spends more time in the prism it exits the prism at a later time than violet, that has a short wavelenght. the colours exit the prism at different time. It is said the white light contains all coclours, and can be seen when spinning a wheel painted the 7 colours on a disk and spun around at a fast rotation, the light waves of different colours mix and the disk appears white to the eye. Additive synthesis it is called. when the disk slowes down the wavelenghts again return to red, orange, green, yellow azur, blue and violet. Velocity and wavelenghts is the key . However how this happens, it seems to me that in the prism, The more light vibration that is absorbed into the glass material, as with infra red and red, the longer the wavelenght,The hottest part of a prism should be at the bottom. I also have a thought that each periodic cycle of the light colours that emit from a prism, have the same amplitude and contains the same amount of " energy" per cycle. If one colour have half the wavelenght of another, out of a prism. If the double waveleneght is to have the same energy per cycle or amplitude, as the short wavelenght, The long wavelenght colour must have double the amplitute to be equal in "energy" as a 2 * shortwavve periods to obtain the same energy. Energy would be confusing term since it applies to Heat and often in Watt or Joules and even Calories. To measure light in energy depends on the atom it reflects. It is said that Infra red is the "heat" of a light wave, then becoming the Heat transmitter wave. And thus making Blue colour unable to create heat. Unless the target atom vibrates or respond to that frequency and itself emit Infra red . My point is that the "energy per cycle" is conserved but translated into a longer wavelenght . Creativily speaking a "light transformer" . Analog to a electric transformer the larger impedance ( AC resistance ) the larger is the phase delay of the current compared to the voltage. Electricity, liquids and light have many similarities. The energy of light put into the prism is the same as projected out, when all the wavelenghts are added. but there must be a material subtraction of wavelenght or vibration absorbtion in the prisms glass molecules themselves. There is therefore no loss taken into account the Heat, amplitude, wavedelay, they should all add to the power put into the machine, if not there is a emission not accounted for. A loss just determines what is not of immediate use of the particular machine . There is no loss, only power redistribution. It depend on the mechanism, Heat is a product in a electrical heater, but considered a loss in a Transformer.

9. I would also add, there is no Gravitational waves, no Dark matter and no Dark Energy, there is no evidence of any and only a tool for matematicians. Neither pocket universes. The Photon is as said earlier not a particle but a waveform. a misconception from the early days when a certain frequency of light, manage to Ionize a conductor by knocking off its electrons and this making it a + charge of static. A current will then occure. Named PhotoVoltaics. And Light is measured in wavelenght, so the particle photon is a directly misleading concept. Modern physics compromise the Photon into a somthing impossible as a "massless particle" .

10 . Black holes and Astrophysical Jets. It is said that the supermassive black holes have such a gravity that not even light can escape. Something that is very peculiar since it is observed by Astronomers that large spews of jets is emitting at the perpendicular of the Galactiv disk, also another misleading concept. These jets must have a higher impetus of eject than every other particle incoming the sentrifugal surge ? The Jets must contain particles since light is reflected and can be observed . Is the gravity lower on its poles ? I think the Jets maybe electrons and subatomic particles crushed to its minimal part and recycled out into the Heliosphere. I would compare it to a Ray tube, or Cathode ray perhaps. of negative charge, refuelling the Heliosphere of opposite charge, namely positive or static by crushing the atoms and recycle them at the edge of the circumferance of the galactic disk. The Cathode ray is in fact a "lightning in vacuum". Or a conductive path between electrodes of opposite signs . Making an analog to the Earth and the Ionosphere. If the Heliosphere is static, can it be so that the Heliosphere sucks electrons out of the Black hole, in the form of these Jets ? suggesting a repellation of the galaxies due to the static charge of their outer "cell membrane" the Heliosphere ( red shifts). Unless other reasons of colliding with galaxies are at work like Andromeda and the Milky way (blue shift) .

11. How does Tempraure affect light, gravity and time ?
how will an atomic clock that is cooled to 10 Celcius degrees behave compared to a similar clock that is on the same altitude, although at 30 Celcius ? If I understand it correct, then a hot atom has a higher vibration than a cold atom. Experimentally proven by the "Blackbody Radiation" concept. whereas a object no matter how cold, emits a IR infra red radiation of some amplitude. I would think that a hot clock will percieve time "faster" than a cold clock, since the interatomic activity is more vibrant or faster in a hot clock. I may be mixing the cards, as to what frequency or speed of vibration and to the wavelenght concerne. A cold atom may vibrate at the same velocity as a hot atom, emitting the same IR wavelenght, but a cold atom radiates smaller amplitude or intensity of wave compression.

12. The speed of light. This may be a premature idea but still it is reoccuring in my mind from time to time. It is said that the propagation of a lightwave, and the velocity of an electrical signal is about 3E8 meter per seconds. 300,000,000 meter per second. No matter if its a long or short wavelenght. The wavefrom from the source, light emitting atom or the radio emitting antenna will reach the destination at the same time. Interpreted as such, It will take about 8 minutes for a short wave transmission like a long wave transmission to reach from the Moon to Earth. And probably also the limiting velocity of Wifi Antennas and CPU computational speeds. the CPU must wait for the whole Byte is recieved before it can start to calculate. It will take the double time for a frequency of double wavelenght to reach a period on the reception point, than a frequency with half the wavelenght. But here comes the mind boggle. In the electromagnetic spectrum there is ELF Extremely low frequencies, that is as low as the electrical grid of 50 - 60 hertz. this period spend 1sec /50 hz = 0.02 seconds to perform a cycle. the electromechanical generator rotates at a certain speed that creates the alterations. then there is Radio frequencys. At radio there is in the Kilohertz domain, and I have heared (..) that its vibration is too fast for a mechanical generator. So the electrical reversal is performed by Capacitors. the frequency may be 1E7 or 1*10^7 = 10,000,000 reading 10 megahertz. 10 million periods per second. And approaching Microwaves that is up to the interval of 1E11 and entering Infra red light. at 1E12. Now it can be interpreted that the value of periods, at 1E11 that is a microwave, is a greater value than the speed of light propagation 3E8. And If I am not misunderstanding, the electrons that move back and forth in the capavitors. Actually move at a vibration 10 times faster than the propagation speed of light itself ? the frequency is faster than the propagation . And entering the Light domain where the electrons are stimulated to jump up and down in their respsecive electron shell. the frequency of ordinary light is up into 1E13. That is 5 times faster than the speed of light. And the X rays that are determined to have a frequency of 1E20, is if I am not misunderstanding  the electrons on the (tungsten atom in the crookes tube, discharged by high voltage) is vibrating back and forth 12 million times faster than the waveform propagation,as it emits into vacuum or into an atmosphere, making it a very compressed waveform. It is also interesting that it is in this crossover, when the frequency exeeds the wave propagation velocity that the lightwave becomes "Ionising" and strips target atoms of their electrons rendering them static and positive . I imagine the speed of light as a paper that rolls on a seismic reader. and the frequency as a the armature run up and down on the paper recording the earth vibrations. the paper has the speed of light, and the arm moving up and down and draws the curve, has the speed of the vibration. A premature conclusion would be. The frequency of the electromagnetic radiations is many million times faster than the speed of light itself . And can be interpreted, the object ( electron) is faster than lightwave (?) .The objects that create a wavform reversal is not an abstract mathematical unit, but a real object that moves back and forth . when entering the Light wave domain it is not possible (I have read to perform electromechanical or capacitive alterations in that velocity of reversal. So the direct stimulation of an atom must be used . I therefore suggest 3 domains of electromagnetic vibrations.
1. Mechanical vibration( ELF and VLF)
2. Electric vibration Capactitve. (Radio, microwave, Radar)
3. Atomic vibration "NucleoMechanical" ( Infra red to X ray )

13. Mass. ( ... rewrite later, not good enough ...) I read the definition on "mass" is usually referred to as a resistance to move. also measured in wheight where 1 decimeter of melted water is 1 kilogram. It is even suggested on wikipedia that the Planck constant is to replace or be incorporated into the Kilogram . I could not disagree more . Its so wrong it hurts. First of all "resistance to motion". The resistance on a sideways motion of a sandpaper on a piece of wood has a rugged surface with lots of resistance to motion. And compare it with a piece of soap in a bath tub. the Soap has very little resistance to motion. However it implies the surface texture as a "resistance" ( a very poor example ...). The resistance of motion in an upward motion as to counter gravity is another matter, and dismiss the questions of "texture resistance". Concerning terrestrial matters, like a propeller, if wheighted on a scale and it is still it will give a value. but once it starts to rotate, its vectors will change from downward, to the sides. And the scale wheight will show a different value, But no particles is emitted, no change of content. Ergo wheight is false and must be discarded as "mass", along with resistance to motion. For it is Geoemtrically related and not materially related. Now consider wheight of the object. The wheight of 1 kilogram of wood will display another value measured on another planet or moon, wheight is therefore a ratio between the planet it is measured on, and the object itself.  Because the object has the same number of particles. Each object and measure is only true within its own Lorenze transform system. One does not measure the speed of light on an incoming train headlight. One doesnt measure the speed of a car, inside a car in motion? Unless it is a planet, then that is inevitable. A riddle : You are in a car that drives 80 kmph,  and then you measure the velocity of another car driving beside you also at 80 kmph, How fast is that other car travelling according to your standpoint, the observer . the other car appears to stands still ! For Kilograms to replace the Planck constant, that is used to determine temprature and black body radiation is a mystery . Because Energy that is temprature is measure in E = Joules = Coloumbs * Volt = P (watt) * second = Watt second . Joule as a Watt second as opposed to Watt hour . then "Energy" is not just temprature at all, its the combined Volts and Amperes over time ...  I register that in the fancy theories from Planck and Einstein that basically concerne TEMPRATURE, heat or ENERGY as they call it. Practically Amperes is Electrical energy, for it is increasing the temprature in the coils. But the formulas does not concerne material. Making it impossible to know if it is 1 kilo of water, or 1 kilo of Iron that is being the material of concerne. And Example, it would take more Joules or Coloumbs to heat up 1 kilo of Iron by 20 degrees than  1 kilo of water . I just shake my head. In my opinion Mass must be done so one counts all the protons, neutrons and electrons . because it is the only thing that does not change. And some other changes, that I am considering, It takes time also to understand the conventions of use, and what the units really represent, To correct my own misunderstandings.

Concerning the Gravitational Lensing. How can it be that a distant star behind the sun can be seen during a lunar eclipse ? Before I thoght it was due to atmospheric lensing that the light refracted in the atmosphere like an ordinary convex lense and thus gave a bending of the light wave trajectory . but this is not the case, scientists claim. the theory I now present includes the elastic properties of a wave that seemingly always confine into a ring or sphere and the variations of lightspeed as they are far away or close to a gravitational object. See Drawing 2.

Here it is seen on the left the distant star. in the middle is the Sun or large gravitational object, and on the right is the Earth observation point. the wavetrain of spherical emissions of the Distant star moves at regualr intervals in vacuum due to no wave dialation or contact with any gravitational object. As the wave fron approaches the sun, the speed or wavelenght of the light is sped up. and a distortion of the concentric ring is prodruded, here forming a "belly" on the ring approaching the sun. The light information that is carried in the wave period is then distorted. and the optical information is then bent over the planet curve due to the distortion in the ring expansion. the slower wavetrain that is further away from the sun will be elastically connected to the increased wavespeed close to the solar body. since they arent broken up the light information is "spread out" forming a convex light distribution . when the wavetrain is passed the solar body the ring shape is once again established and the information of light that belonged to the distant star is not bending anymore and moving in a rectliniar line toward the observation point. the theory boils down to a lensing effect that utilize variations of light speeds in distance or close proximity to a gravitational object, and the waves elastic properties as to fomrulate rings . thuis distorting optical information as the intervals pass by space objects. How can light be spherical expansions when one can see objects in an unobstructed line ? that would be a discussion on how the eye works. How can several objects be seen at all ? Here a short reference to the Pinhole camera, or Camera obscura. where air molecules seemingly act as a lense. Question remains how small is the smallest lenst possible? 1 molecule, 2 molecules ? That is the smallest eye concievable. See the Inverted image of the city Prague in a natural camera obscura in the rooftiles on the picture of the link. In the same article it is said that Aristotle the great, managed to create a Pinhole camera effect with his fingertips ! The eye would be to position "photoreceptor"s on the backside of the lense ( pupil) , called retina (rods and cones). The distribution of the 3 different cones ( colour receptors ) , each responding chemically to different wavelenghts red, green and blue . And the Rods ( black and white) contribute to the eyes "resolution". Most probably the Cones resonate with the 1/4th of the optical wavelenght, as a radio antenna does ? As opposed to the insect eyes, who seemingly have a one lense for each optic nerve, Arhtropod eye. To pull it further, a radio antenna would be equal to the eyes Rods and Cones without a lense, and would shurely be called "the naked eye"  and the wire would be the insulated optic fiber ...

In the photoreceptor article it is said that birds or non- mammals have photoreceptive pineal glands, whatever that means . It seems the birds can detect light without the use of eyes. but photoreceptive sensors deep in the brain. These glands deep in the brain are stimulated without direct stimulation of light, there is mention of a Cerebrospinal fluid, that circulate and contacting neurons that have a certain pigment in the pineal gland called Opsin 5 . then triggering an "image" or a light on light off, in the birds, Fancy . however this fluid or these neurons must be exposed to the lightrays some place ?

First of all, how can it be that a the light of a matchstick is seen from all angles at the same clock time from all around a gallery, if the detector or observers is all equally distant away from the source ? How can it be that light waves is invisible when seen from the sied. I think the light must reflect straight into the eye and excite the staves inside the eye to be seen. the light must reflect a particle, the electron bounce and a wave emission is cast in all directions from the excited atom, called photon. If the light did not have to be straight into the eye, then the night sky would be bright white light , and it is not white. it is black. and only points of stars are visible. Light as well as conventional wifi and radio, travel in straigh lines between the antenna transmitter and the reciever, although a earth bounce to ionosphere is used to transmit around the curvature of the earth and is defined as "Hertizian waves". Unlike Nikola Teslas ground wave transmission. In Electrical theory it is an accepted view that the radio antenna, emits waves like a light bulb. but only recieved by antennas in visible or rectliniar stretch. Radio waves on earth does not curve around the circumference. I am however not entirely convinced, Because the "belly" or stretch of the wavelenght resemble a Concave lens infront of the large gravity body, and the refraction should be a concave projecting the light into the gravity well. This is however a crude approach to the matter and certainly up for discussion .

Hope this adds to the confusion.

Good day.

Kenneth Henrik Olsen.


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