Coiling methods

Coiling an induction coil Secondary.
First of all I would NOT recommend making a high voltage coil out of iron. If so, insulate it sufficient with thick tape, to prevent the discharges to form inside the coil. or between the coil turns and the Coil chassy. I must inform that by insulating the coil chassy with thick tape. the sparks are confined to the electrodes. Back in the days they used paper that was "cemented" maybe with glue. Glass might also work as a coiling base. but I have not so good experience with paper coil chassys, because the copper is very heavy, and the paper or carton might crumble under the weight of the wire, especially the coil holding wings or "ears" that keep the turn layers in place. PVC has a low "fuming temprature" and will start to fume Chlorides after 100 degrees celcius, and is not recommended at all. Wood might work but its usually thick and bulky in its construction, atleast for my taste. Usually the first attempts is close to failures, and the efficiency is very low.  But if it works at all, then your on the right track. Optimising then follows. Building a prototype, a model or studying an old patent, is neither cost or time effcient ! Cost and time of production comes into play when the product is to me mass produced in a factory . There comes a time in life, when reading about other peoples merits, just doesnt make your days more satisfactory. And one has to persue the methods by personal engagment.

It all boils down to these 3 components to obtain ENERGY

MATERIAL is not wheight ( that is relative to another objects gravity, for instance 1 kg of iron on earth has a different wheight on the moon) But it would have the same count of atoms. therefore Material is number of Protons and Neutrons per atomic nucleus, and number of atoms per Geometric Volume. And their nuclear geometry that separate the elements in the Periodic system. that count is what computers are for . The electron would also contribute to the atoms composure, and thus its "whight" or particle count. It is said a Lead acid battery is measured by wheiging its electrolyte. Concerning what is a wave form and the duality of electron particle and waveform I would say this. As long as there is no alteration in the atomic geometry that occures in Fission, Fusion or Ionisation ( stripping of electrons) . the resulting energy dissapation is a waveform. Light for instance, a particle losses no components by emitting a electromagnetic ray during reflection, ergo a waveform. Water is too molecules that have waveforms, as do electrons. I still believe that electrons firmly are particles. Waveforms can form in any solid that is hot enough to become a liquid. The definition of a waveform would be, a geometric displacement in a material. And no gain or loss of molecules or atoms in the Material. Example : a stone is not fused with water as it is dropped in the pond, the water mass is the same. A mirror does not evaporate by shining light on it. (Although The Standard model claims the Photon is a massless particle, a particle would render a "resolution" of its footprint. Meaning, a lightbuld emits some photons, and 1 meter the spread between the "massless particles Photons may be 1 mm, and after 10 meter distance the distance between each photon would maybe 1 meter. The space between the photons would be dark. And it is througoutly preposterous concept.) I dont thisnk there is any evidence that a incandescant wire in a lightbulb looses wheight or lowers its number of particles during operation or lumination.
GEOMETRY is the volume that contains the particles of selection.
TIME would be pulses per second. That is also relative because 2 clocks must be compared. either compared to earth rotation ( hours) or light wave frequency.

A philosophical entry. My background is in classical drawing and arts. Where we practiced to imitate the geoemtric shapes and surfaces of iron, glass, skin and stone with just the use of one tool, the pencil. Arts have thus only an "intellectual energy" that being in symbols. That connect neuron patterns in the brain known as associations. In construction coils and motors. it is quite the opposite ! Every material and its geoemtric shape has a dedicated function.

1. The plates are cut to size.
Circumference = Pi * Diameter

2. the plates are filed and assembled

3. The plates are welded together and painted with a resin, proper for transformers and motor coils. The inner corners are later smeared with silicone to remove eventual sharp edges.

4. The coiling is started. Selecting the proper wire for the desired voltage output.
k_coiling constant = U1/U2 = N1/N2 = I2/I1

N2 turns secondary = N1 / k

Ratio = N2 / N1
To give you an idea the Car Spark Plug has a ratio of 1 : 80
For each 1 turn of primary there is 80 turns of secondary.

This is done by conventional factorisation, lets say the Primary has 100 turns and the secondary has 2000 turns

P_100 = 2*2*5*5 
S_2000 = 2*2*2*2*5*5*5

The Secondary exeeds the Primary number by 2*2*5 = 20
The ratio in this example is therefore 1:20

This formula is purely theoretical and have almost nothing to do with reality. This formula presumes that there is no distance between the two coils, primary and secondary, and there is no distance between the turns on the coils. the resistance is equal in both coils, and that the wire diameter is the same. Since this is not true, that is; the wires are of different lenghts, and the wire diameter is different, the coils are spacially displaced, this formula serves only as an indication of what to expect.  Much depend on the quality of the core. and the core is neither part of the formula, and the temperature of the coil. For this coil I have ordered in the "CRGO, electrical steel" lamination plates to place in the core . witout the core there is a poor magntic effect. the Iron act as a magnetic conveyer and can transport the magnetism over a larger distance and with great intensity than air for instance. Iron is therefore a magnetic "medium". It is also very difficult to know what permeability the core has. It seems only to be deduced from the result between the primary and secondary. to obtain a high cosinus phi and close in on the Ideal formula, the geometry and material selection is essential.

First of all one needs to know what source voltage is to be used. This is 230V AC wall socket to the primary. The fuse is 10A in the cabinet. Then one needs to resist some of the Amperes that come through .  The primary also act as a Resistor, to reduce the amperes and heat,  Presuming the coil self inducts to a cosinus phi of 0.7 then some resistance is gained there. Here a version of the Ohms law that can be used. suppose that a wire that is uncoiled have no reactive losses. But once the wire is coiled the cosinus phi starts to accumulate. the Ampere must be assumed according to the temprature tolerance of the insulation and wire diameter. The wider the diameter the greater temprature tolerance. Also the Cosinus phi must be assumed. And it seem the more turns the greater is the cosinus phi reduction factor, that later needs to be capacitated away. In this case I settled for about 4.5 Amperes over the coil. and wire AWG24. And the coil temprature stays put at 90C after 15 minutes.

I have found out that if Irons are put outside the Primary, the ampere is reduced. And by putting Irons Inside the Primary, also Amperes are reduced. However on the Secondary. If Irons are put outside the coils, Ampere and Volts are reduced. But putting Irons inside both the primary and secondary, bot Ampere and Volts are Increased ! Having Irons outside the coil can actually "cool" off the coil.

Z_primary = (U_AC / I_AC ) = Z ( circuit ohm)
R_Primary = Z * cos phi = R (coil ohm)

R_primary= (230V / 4A) * 0.7 = 40 ohm

From the formula above lets say one uses 230V and desires 1000V on the secondary. how many turns on the secondary ?

k= U1 / U2 = 230V / 1000V = 0.23

Presume that N1 primary has 1000 turns
N2 = N1 / k = 1000V / 0.23 = 4347 turns on the secondary

And remember SAFETY FIRST : Use goggles and install FUSES !
Before attempting to do some basic electrical stuff first, so you are aware of the dangers and responsibility. Nobody thanks you for being a hospitalized hazard .
I have 5A fuses installed infront of the Primary.

Keep in mind the Ampere on the primary will easily overheat with large Amperes.And keep in mind that the volume of the magnetic field must encapsulate the secondary to have an inductive effect . To measure the magnetic body or its volume as I call it, I use iron filings. when the distance is great and there are no response in the iron filings form the electromanget , the magnetic action cease on a practical level, and no use having turns of wire outside that volume, So one wants a large magnetic field, but a cool coil. Having few turns on the primary with a thin wire reduces the amperes, but will it withstand the heat, and create a sufficient magnetic field ? Having a thick wire on the primary one needs more turns to resist the large Ampere, Although a thick wire can endure more amperes and not heat up. One also needs to consider the Circumference of the coils to know the number of turns per meter of wire, and then the Ohm per meter of wire .

Picture of the primary : 
The secondary goes inside the Primary and the core goes inside of the secondary .

Picture of Secondary coil:

To keep the number of turns low on the primary I have made this in a large circumference, and then coiled the secondary on a smaller circumference to get more turns per meter of wire. Actually opposite of what the conventional methods are, but back in the 1800 they used low voltage DC to power the " interrupter".

5. The coiling in progress

I realized after 2000 turns that this kind of "tidy coiling" took immensly amount of time, and changed to a "speedy coiling" method. However it turned out to be a disaster. After a while I got reckless and speedy coiled the rest of the wire. resulting in me breaking the wire ... and I had to splice it. The wire got tangled in the coiling machine and snapped off. The problem seems not to be the splices but rather locating the short circuit that was formed during on the coil turns. If the wire is damaged or break off, make a splice and put it outside the coil so it can be used as a centertap. No matter how tidy one wants to coil it seems to get fringes in the corners, and as the layers progress the more untidy the turns become. for a coil with large wire diameter and under 2000 turns I would still use "tidy coiling" but for a coil containg more than 2000 turns and a thin wire diameter I would not do it tidy coiled, its very difficult to keep it tidy on more than 20-30 layers before it starts to fringe up, cover up valleys or piles with tape of somekind to make it more smooth. When speedy coiling the coil the turns can lump up in piles, and the turn circumference may fall out of its track and loosen and become a loose turn, in other words the turns are not uniformely coiled. This is a work in progress and will take som time to finish. It was a short test, and about where the last turns on the upper corner there became a ring of sparks inside the coil. discharging toward the Iron coil chassy. I didnt think that the sparks would form there. And after a few seconds it broke down. I dont recommend using a Iron coil chassy for a high voltage coil. The Geometry seems to hold up, but its rather a Material failure. And the coil chassy must be insulated thicker. I uncoiled the turns and insulated the chassy with electrical PVC tape. and then it gave sparks at about 1 mm, and a funny smell of swimming pool ... then later after about 40 - 50 minutes of amazement and observation again the coils inner turn sparked through the insulation and shorted the coil. the secondary must once again be unspooled, double insulated and recoiled. I learned some things

1. The induction coil wires can be spliced.
2. The wire can be scratched off insulation one the middle of the wire and measure the ohm towards the end of the wire. Secure the scraped off insulation area with EL-tape (pvc) or paper.
3. One needs to coil the induction coil secondary on INSULATED core material. Thick insulation.
4. -
5. -

6. The largest potential of the coil is at the end of the wires, where the IN and OUT wires extend.

Picture of the spark over a spark gap of about 1 mm.
Secondary with thick tape insulation . Notice there is no iron core or any capacitor at the moment.

Movie of the same :

After unspooling and double insulation. the coil performed well again. I also managed to wire up a classical capacitor the "salt water and aluminium foil cap" and the sparks became more dense, The salt water capcitor is actually a Tesla patent that was formulated in US pat : 567,818. The sparks was however strong enough to light a candle, but not to blow it out. when I closed the switch I could see the aluminium foil "twitched" and made a movement in the places where the foil was not uniformly wrapped over the class jar. So finally I made it work. And I who thought I was the only one in the world who couldnt do a condenser. I had too low voltage on them before and got no result. It is also difficult to understand how thick the insulation must be and responding to what voltage from reading the conventional formulas. the formulas only concerne the "energy and geometry" and not the material, leaving out a central component. The materials are usually described as "dielectric or conductive, in some instances "a particle" on rare occations the specific materials like paper, copper, glass, and iron. Like there is just one kind of paper ! And like as it there is just one kind of Iron, is it steel, galvanized, stainless, rebar (concrete reinformcement steel)  or electric steel, . What is its content of Carbon ? Usually any alloy of Iron is filed under "steel" and your lucky if you get a ISO data sheet with the purchase . And I have also wired the cap to the Primary in some instances, and found no differance in the ouptut. That was however before I understood that condensing the primary. fills in the delayed or disharmonic waveform between the Generator (grid) and the Reactance load . It would be more correct to say disharmonic phases between the reactive load and the distribution transformer Secondary ... After experimenting with the candle light and the high voltage I noticed the sparks grew much longer over the flame, atleast 1 - 1.5 cm. The flame aid the discharge. However the Secondary coil again failed and discharged to ground or coil chassy. this time where the splice wire exited the coil. I didnt double insulate the splice wires that got out of the coil. bummer. so have to unspool and recoil once again. Now I have recieved the electrical steel sheets in the mail, to be clipped into core laminations. When its recoiled and with a core I will do some documentation. It seems that when investigating High voltage, one can not use electronic multimeters anymore. they will break down at 600 - 1000V. Making it a visual experience. the discharge is said to indicate about 1000V per millimeter in air. For the frequency I presume one uses a tuning fork to check the frequency. the sound of a 50 herts transformer discharge is a note of 50 hertz or a deep harmoniv close to G#. The 16th harmonic of G# = 830 hertz. 830hz / 16 octaves = 51 hertz.  In the 60 herts system the it would be close to a B-note  439 hz / 8 octaves  = 61 hz. The human ear can register up to 20 kiloherts of sound waves. and thus its audible to determine the frequency up to that point . or use a synthesizer to get the hertz.

The aim of the project is to make an approximate function of the patent described in US pat 568,180 . Being fairly advanced. but just to understand and replicate the basic circuit principal. Its like learning to draw or paint. One study the old masters. And nature.

video of the rig with the steel plates dipped in soya oil.

Considering there are very few doing these kinds of things, I figure its better to share some work photos and some ideas, this is not an instruction post. but rather a progress post. And I who thought it was easy .


William Crookes epochial lecture on the Crookes Radiometer . Repulsion Resulting from Radiation
Unknown sa… have like an electroflame. That's making like å saw/square wavetable sound. I find that very interesting. The first thing that pops to my head is that i would like to sample the soundwave of the electroflame. Secound I would like to film it with high frame rate. And play it back in slow motion so I could see how the flame and the electro are interacting. Very cool stuff, RBlue! Tumbs up from Drajev:)

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