Differance on Radio Activity and Radio Transmission

Ask a particle physisit and a Radio engeneer this.
Are Radio Transmission and Radio Activity the same ?
What is differenct in the two technologies ?
Why are they both called Radio ?

The word Radio has to stem back to the word Radius, that is half the Diameter in a circle. A certain lenght of a Radius determine the circles circumference, and area. But do the technologies Radio Activity and Radio Transmission have anything to do with one another . My response would be NO !

The thought struck me as I listened to Kraftwerks Radioactivity track. Radio activity is accociated and is, very dangerous to nature and the beings. while Radio transmission is something we use to great extent for communication, be it broadcast, cellular, and wifi.

Kraftwerk : Radio Activity

What concernes me is the use of words. The scientist usually say "Radiation". But what do they mean ? Is it the usual radio waves or dangerous radioactive radiation ? It seems the word is not fixed to a certain technology. The fundamental differance on the two technologies is quite striking. Radio transmission is part of the so called "Electromagnetic Spectrum" sharing characteristics with visible light, masured in wavelenght and considered Waves, however considered Particles by the Theorists who claim its a massless particle named Photon. In the Electrical groundbook, it is clearly said. the radio antenna, acts like a Lamp ! Emitting Light from a lower frequency than what is visible. This is the reason why I am using the name "Radar Blue", supposing the colours circle from Goethe, is not a circle, but a spiral that repeats the colours out visible spectrum, like musical notes in octaves. then it would also be colours in the Radar domain as well as in the Radio domain, however invisible to our eyes.

Now, Radio Activity is different, becuase it s a particle that is emitted as a projectile out from the nucleus, usually a Beta particle ( Electron ) or Alpha particle ( Helium core ). But I suspect Also the Proton or Hydrogene core also is projected. Along with a plethora of isotopes and other nucelar cores.

The technologies are different in that the Radio Wave, The particles of the air or in water or in vacuum substance, of the Ether or Higgsfield or what you want to call it. The "media" or transmission is Compressed and Rarefied over a time interval. Where in Radio Activity, concerning particle phycisits are projecting a atomic sized cannonball away from the nucleus . When naming the vacuum either the Higgs field or Aether, you can call it what you want, for nobody knows exactly what it is. however by naming it, you establish a connection not with the cosmos, but the the reader. Saying Higgs field. you will connect with the Particle physisist, saying Ether, you speak to another group of people, who are into the obsolete name called Aether.

Radio Activiy : acts as a atomic projectile, with particles ( Alfa or Beta ) emits in a curved or straight line away from the nucleus.

Radio waves : emit as a ominous field equal in all directions of intensity in radial distance from the core. The "propagation medium"  air, water or vacuum) being Rarified ( expanded ) and compressed in intervals. the distance between the particles is increased or decreased over a time interval. Or as a cork on water. the cork moves up and down as the water waves emits from the source. The cork does not move along the wavefronts.

I suggest the Radio Activity guys change the name to something more proper than Radio Activity, since radio Activity has nothing to do with Radio at all . . .  Something like "Active Atomic Projectile".

Other words that are providing a total confusion is the word "electromagnetism". A coil is an electromagnet, a permanent magnet is Magnetic, but lightwaves is not magnetic nor electric, but called "Electromagnetic" . In my understanding the Light, Radio or Radar, in its transmission form (between resonant coils) has nothing to do with magnetsm. the radio wave is not magneic onve its airborn. but rather Electrostatic. I am isuspecting that Light is actually Electrostatic relating to the E-filed. howeveran alternating E-field. the field is transformed from Electric volts and ampere in the wires ( orginating from a electro magnetic generator or interrupted DC)  , into the coil , the primary coil transformers the magnetic field into High voltage and low amperes. The higher the voltage the greater is the Static field, and less magnetic. The High voltage escapes the coil in a spark gap and antenna as High frequency E-field or static intervals. And then later travels over a distance. then is picked up by a antenna connected to a coil th at has 1/4 the geometric lenght of the Static wavelenght. the coil then transfomers the high potential into a magnetic feld, that transformer s the weak magnetic field  and high voltage into again electric current that has high magnetic or large ampere, that can activate the ear peice, either amplified or not.

Electromagnetics used to be called "Radiant Energy" from William Crookes. but I would changed the name from Electromagnetics to "Alternating Electrostatic Intervals".

X-Ray : I see even in the UNSCARE UN radiation panel, they have a total ignorant attutude to what is an Electromagnetic Field and what is an Atomic Radiation. they throw it all in one mix called "Radiation". and claim radio, microwave, light X ray and atomic radiatimon is "more or less the same . X Ray, is formed when high voltage electrodes burn an arc inside a hermetically sealed tube, and the discharge arc targets a specific material, wolfram ( Tungsten) or aluminium. when these metals are targeted by an electric arc in vacuum,. the aluminium target material then emits a very high frequency "light" that cast a "Shadow", that can be captured on photographic film . So short a wavelenght that it can penetrate the flesh. I would think its similar to welding aluminium in outer space ! I know very little about X-rays and only from litterature, reading N.Teslas own texts and his letters to Roentgen , The differance between ordinary photography and X ray, would be that ordinary photografy Reflect ligght from the object onto the photographic film ( or CCD chip) but an X-ray penetrate the material, and cast a shadow of the material not penetrated as much as the highlighted areas . Whether this radiation is an atomic or a field emission, I have actually thought it was an atomic radiation. but I have changed my mind. It may be high frequency light. But this kind of light can not be generated by ordinary means. Just like light can not be created from an Electromechanical generator, the frequency of a machine will never be that high, the limit may be microwave. You need a lamp filament that glows due to a burning process, incandescant. It glows because it is hot. Or a florouscent light source, that chrages a gas into glowing up. The generator will not be able to create light freqencys. And a burning process of a lamp with a wire, will never cast X rays. but seemingly a discharge arc onto aluminium triggers that incredibly high frequencys, named X ray.

Energy : what is that ? The definition of Energy is the "ability of a system to perform work". What is Work ? Well it should be something "useful", like rotation of a shaft . For every energy transform is "doing something", even if its considered a waste product. In a combustion motor Heat for instance is a waste product, likewise in an electrical motor, heat is waste. In a stirling motor, heat is what provides the momentum of the piston and is useful. What is work and what is waste is therefore relative to the design . Now I have wrongly been anticipating that energy was heat, probaby becaus I read that 1 calorie = 4.1 joules. And 1 Gram Calorie is defined : energy required to raise the temprature of one gram of H20 Water one cecius degree In that definition energy is increase in Temprature. As I read more closely that energy is defined in the SI system as Joules. Joules is also considered a Watt Second. And Power is named a Watt hour. Some write joules as E = joules . J = 10 Watts * 60 seconds = 600 joules. In unfamiliar terms. E energy (joules) = Power (watt) * seconds. In Watt that is P = E / 60min * 60sec = 600 joules / 3600 =  0.16 watt hour . It shoulkd be noted that Watt is unlrelated to temprature. It is the Ampere that causes heat, the Voltage does not.

Temprature and Thermal energy. An object that radiates heat is communication heat in the IR infra red spectrum. That is a certain frequency of transmission that is recieved in the target atoms to increase its vibration. IR is communicated at the speed of light. However it can take hours to heat up a room ? the internal vibration of a material must be a different kind than the IR . I suspect this atomic vibration can occure without the electron, and thus is produced by the nucleus. for I suppose an Ion can also be hot and emit heat . It would not be a stricktly "electromagnetic" vibration, but rather a nucleus wave radiation ...? then think of it. an atom that is stripped of all its electrons. it is static. that can still emit a visible light. how can that be, since it is said that it is the electron shell that is responsible for the light waves ? the plates on a capacitor does not become invisible because its electrons are stripped or removed ...

Temperature is a fundamental force that is greatly overlooked. or not understood at all. It shares greatness with gravity, magnetics and static. Imagine a impenetrable material. so hard nothing can break it, or crush it mechanically. What do you do . You melt it ! At some point anyting will melt.

Link3 : Melting rock using lenses

What I suspect is that the frequency below microwave, in the domain so called Non Ionizing radiation is resonating in the geometric lenght of the antenna wire. However in the visible spectrum or Ionising domain of the electromagnetic spectrum, the waveform bypass the electron shells and resonates with the Nucleus itself, due to a match of frequency and geomerical shape of the nucleus. I suspect the nucleus to retain its particle mass, but vary in its volume. the compression and expansion of the nucleus, would excite a waveform exiting the nucleus. The Photons or particles of light is completely dismissed, or else the nucleus would loose its material mass. Like it would in a "nuclear radiation" that projects alfa and beta particles, I know the Photons are called "massless particles". In this thought experiment there is a finit end to the electromagnetic spectrum, and that is at the low end of Infra Red. I have to investigate if any frequency can be electrically generated with coils and capacitors at a frequency above 10^12 hertz ( or wavelenght below 1 mm) ... I dont think that is possible.  A question would arise, how can it be that a solar panels even work ? Or photo resistors ? well if the panel is Ionized by Ionizing radiation, and the circuit is grounded, there should be a current from a large electron deposit (-)  to a low electron deposit (+). well it should be somekind of obvious. If the wavlenght is shorter than 1/4th of a electron shell diameter, that electron shell diameter is bypassed. if the wavelenght is somehow matching the diameter of the nucleus, that nucleus would respond by vibrating.

For some reason I have thought of Watt per kilogram of a motor. Lets say a small AC transformer, that wheighs 10 kilos of copper wire and Ironcore. with these 10 kilos of mass, it is limited how much "energy" or watts can be put thru the machine. It can not tolerate a 1 megawatt. it will burn up. or arc over. So to have a 1 mega watt transformer you need more particle mass to convey the energy. that is thicker wires, larger turn diameter , compare the analogy with a car. A car can only take this and that wheight as a load, compared to its own size. bigger load needs a bigger car. What is the wheight to energy ratio of a device ?

Personally I am against the principle of wheight because it relies on the gravity . Rather Id prefere number of particles, that would be constant, Altho a very large number. Iron FE26 would be 26 subatomic particles per each 1 atom, and copper CU29 would have 29 subatomic particles per 1 atom. Mass is in my opinion unrelated to kilograms. Is kilograms then a gravity factor ?

it is said that Mass is unrealated to kilograms, but on the other hand, measured in kilograms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilogram and laso that mass has Inertia ( lazyness or a desire to rest). I cant understand that mass has any Inertia at all ! For Mass is constantly at a momentum, towards a larger gravitational body or attracting other massive objects. A brick that falls to the ground is still on the ground because no other force overcomes the gravitational field. there is no "button" to switch off for the gravity, like there is an on/off switch with the magnetic field in an electrmagnet. that "button" on the gravity is in my opinion the number of particles and their distance to any other massive object.

Energy is a word used for any application. Kinetic (motional) energy (ampere) , Potential (positional) energy (volt) ,  electromagnetic energy should have thermal energy (IR), light energy ( visible spectrum, radio and Radar energy as well , all those electrmagnetic "energies " should be a function of amplitude and wavelenght.

In an electrical circuit, once the wires are energised every component in the circuit act with a magnetic field, a static field. as a conductor, a resistor at the same time. Each material has its own values to separate their function . Changing one of them changes all the other parameters . Changing temprature changes the resistance . If a material is not considered Magnetic in the usual sense, Then regard the little talked about "secret" of science : Diamagnetic and Parameganetic properties.

Para and Diamagnets : Anti magnetic water and Graphite by Diamagnetism 
Wimhurst machine : Static

For this I want you to imagine a electrical motor. with a Rotor and a Stator. In the wires there is electric current. How many dimensions does this machine have ? It has lenght, and height and width, thats 3 dimesions. but the motor doesnt stand still, it rotates in Rounds per minute, RPM . Once you connect it to the power supply, that has Volts and Amperes, In the wires there are Resistance, due to the changing fields there is also be Impedance, since there is Amperes there is a magnetic force, since there is voltage there is also a static field . Now in this machine there is not just 3 dimensions !

Spacial dimesions ( X, Y,  Z ) , Time , Resistace, Volts, Ampere, Gravity ( wheight or number of particles), Temperature, Magtenic field, static field. Atleast 11 dimesions at once !
Again I claim, you dont have to go for Quantum Mechanics to have a multitude of dimensions.

Concerning weight. since weigh is a relative measure. Relative between the Earth Gravity and the object. It also should be abandoned. the weight of 1 cubic meter of Iron has different weight on Earth as it has on the Moon. But consists of the same amount of particles.

Energy in the SI system is defined in Joules. Joules in the Electric domain is equal to 1 Watt second. That is Ampere hour * Volt / ( 60 second * 60 minutes ) = Watt  hours / 3600 = Joule . In the electrical domain Ampere is more or less synonimous with heat, The more Amperes, the more heat in the conductor considering you have the same crossection of wire. Well, a Watt can have large Volt and small Amperes  or the opposite and still have the same Watt. In nutrition the energy is calculated as Calories.

f.ex. 100V * 1A = 100 W
100A * 1 V = 100 W
both are 100W, but the temperature of the conductors and the magnetic field and static fields will be greatly changed in the two. Its usually not a problem for the Volt is domesticated to 110V or 230V. By multiplying two "dimensional orders" Volts and Amperes you get a totally false impression of the product . Meaning you have to know one of the sources to establish the other.

Why is it called a musical Octave, that referes to the number 8, when there is 12 notes in the 12Tet. There is 8 whole notes .

Why is it called September, naming number sept , 7 when it is the 9th month ?
Why is it called October named after number octa 8, when it is the 10th month ?
Why is is called December deca number 10, when it is the 12th month ?

Now this may seem like a digression. But both music and astronomy is great sciences, where would both Music and Astronomy be without Pythagoras ? Music is audible numbers and Musicians are the prophets of our times. And I have found out that The Calendar, is the Foundation of Society ! by controlling the weekdays and the holidays, and in control of the story that revolves 1 orbit of the Earth around the Sun, for that is what the holidays are all about, concealed in fairytales.

Conclusion :
The vocabulary of science is full of misconceptions !

I seek not to know all the answers
But to understand the questions


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