Optical Resistance

In this post I will argument, how I came to the notion that Electrical resistance, is Optical . At first it will seem utterly rediculus, because different materials have different Ohm per crossection and meter. Ohm per meter of a certain wire gauge. silver has the lowest resistance , then comes copper then aluminium has a little more resistance per meter wire.

Then consider these Ohms are measured at the same temprature of Wire . Lets say 20C. If I drop the temprature of Copper . Its resistance will be lower than silver at 20C. And I ask what is Temprature ? Heat ... Heat rays were observed by W. Herschel as the 7th colour in the rainbow. Infra Red. Its electromagnetic, or "radiant" energy . Heat is transmitted with light speed along with Colour light . Blackbody radiation is the lowest possible vibration on the atom to produce heat waves. Even if No light is reflected upon a body or material, it still produce a temprature signature, above Lord Kelvin degrees - 273C . An Amplitude strenght and a wavelength in IR is produced, at low level by all material elements. Temprature is more or less defined from absolute freezingpoint. No waveform can go lower, emitted from a atomic body . I beileve the Atom can produce this wavelenvht witout the aid of electrons. and the Nucleus can produce IR in Ionized state. thus the waveform of IR must be produced from the Nucleus. A vibration sum of the Quarks. UUD (proton)  DDU (Neutron) compelxes.

Wavelenghts longer than IR. I believe, is generated with electrons. that is electrically . like RADIO . RADAR. microwave. AC. Electrical circuit currents. Transmitting signals, in the optical domain. And it is usual to consider Light and Circuits Galvanically sealed. A fiber optic cable does not interfere with an electric power cable or telephone line . On insulated fiber and el-cables there is no field interaction. Neither induce into eachother. There is no Ampere component in light . How they can interfere, is a direct light on the cable, changing the resistance. I personally think that its only the electrical circuit that has a magnetic field. and the Light wave, is en E-Field or static interval. with no B field . The EM field would then be below Infra red . 10E15 periods per sec . The visible field E field, and X ray and Gamma ray. Electrostatic Field . I cant bend light like a prism with a magnetic B field. Neither can I attract Iron with a light source.

                      Z      -         |
                     -                   |
                  -                              |      X


R = Resistance. DC
Z = Impedance . AC
X = Reactance . AC

Z impedance is always larger than R resistance .
It is also to notice that frequencies above light. can not be produced by electrons in circuits alone. Light as usual, is a filament wire. burning, or glowing hot. the vacuum makes it last long. A phosphorous lamp, high voltage in high frequency thru gas. painted with phosphorent glowing molecules, molecular bombardment. friction in gas makes the light effect. X ray is also thru a burner, or egniter atom . an electron blast cannon electrode, high potential in a vacuum chamber. blast electrons onto an Aluminium sheet. the light released , is X ray .

I have also gathered that by adding capacitors, the X reactance and Z impedance tend toward the value of R resistance DC . But Resistance, is reduced by Cooling. Artificial cooling. Oil liquids or superconductor at low ohm at - 270C . cryogenic Devar cooling.

Much tends to suggest. the Einstein experiment. with the Photon, Energy Particle. Quantized unit of Current. The Glass vessle in the experiment, was energised by an UV light . I mean by Changing the RESISTANCE in the glass jar. allowing a cirtuit to CONDUCT. and the measure of that Quantized light electricity . Photo Electric effect . Compton Scattering .

Quote "The photon is a type of elementary particle, the quantum of the electromagnetic field including electromagnetic radiation such as light, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. Wikipedia" end Quote .

Einstein contributed alot, but in my opinion, this experiment. Shows there is a optical phenomena with Resistance. You shine a light on the circuit, with a special UV frequency, and THEN it conducts. An early Photoresistor, or optocoppler.  the "quantum" or quantized unit, is still just a unit . In my understanding a Quantum is the interaction between 1 and 1 electron and atom .

It has to be described the Amplitude and the wavelenght of the Radiation source in UV.
It all depends on the defintion of the Quantum . it must be in Volt, and Ampere. or wavelenght * amplitude . Usually the energy is a product of Potential unit in Volt or Amplitude, or maybe even a static field, and Kinetic unit current in Ampere, or (Wavelenght.?), or maybe a magnetic field, and a time unit, Ampere Hours * Volt = Watt Hour , P for power. Joule is a Watt second, also known as unit E (energy). J = P watt * 60 min *60 sek . 1W = 3600 Joule . If the Photon condisdered a pack it would be spherical geoemtery. Spherical geometry is favoured, since they resemble rings in the water, and may respond to Fields around non spherical objects as well. So the field, approaches a spherical geometry, like rings in the water tend to form rings . Even thou the source is cubic or cylindrical.

You cant outphase and cancel a Heat wave . or IR wave cancel electrically .

Anyways. Electrical resistance is Optical. in the Light spectrum. Orginating from Blackbody radiation. lowest wavelevnght to be produced is IR infra red ( ... mm ) giving - 273C atomic temprature. An electrical cirtcuit will also add to this wavelevnght in amplitude, with its heat, generated from the Ampere circulation. When the wire is heated, the Resistance increase even more . the added amplitude in IR, added resistance .

To me it seems like a "Barrier" . Just at IR wavelevnght. Black body radiation cant go lower . and electrical circuits can not pulse AC faster . The electrical max speed is reached . at microwave . The highest wavelevnght a coil can produce is Infra red heat. the AC frequency cant be higher than the IR . for some strange reason . the ampere is magnetiudes behind .

light or Luminance is in Peta hertz . 10 E15 pulses per second. 780nm IR - 380nm Violett . 600nm Yellow . 500nm Azur .
Microwaves is regarded in Tera hertz . 10 E13 .

If Temprature Heat energy, and heat is transmitted as Infra Red, Temprature is practically part of the electromagneic spectrum . And since resistance changes with temprature, I conclude that Resistance is Optical. However not to llose it completely, to add 20 ohm to a coil. I could either heat it, OR I can add extra lenght of wire. By adding wire or material resistance, I can retain a low drift temprature. Meaning if the circuit heats up, the friction of electrons over the atomic copper mass is too great. Too much Ampere current, or too small circuit mass .

That was a theory of Optical Resistance. Now let me talk about material resistance that is Geometric Resistance. Let me explain. I have a cube of copper, measuring 10 * 10 * 10 cm . its wheight is some kilograms, lets say 10 kg. I have the Ohm meter and measure the ohm beteen the ends of the copper slab, maybe I measure 0.001 ohm. I then fabricate a thin long wire from that 10 kg of copper, with a crossection of 1 mm. The wire or copper mass is now many hundred if not thousand meter long. And I measure again the ohm, from cable end to end. And maybe I meausure 200 ohm . How can that be ? The same copper mass, changes resistance by deforming geometery ? Resistance is therefore Geometric ! In that geometry I can place in number of copper atoms per lenght of meter . And obtain the resistance per meter, atomically . Also add in a resistance factor for IR radiation. Cold or close to black body and low in ohm . Is that true for all materials ? No, Ice for instance H2O solid, is an insulator . Maybe even the AC frequency play in on solids, as they may have crystall effects, ringing at certain vibration. So every atomic period and every chemical has its own characteristic response. But it does respond ! (?)

Its also quite known that metals increase in volume during heating . And some other materials like rubber, shrink with heat . Water is not behaving like metals , copper or aluminium or iron. Water expands when frozen and increases in Resistance when cold, opposite of the metals. Ice can crack mountains . It seems all materials glow like a lamp. starting at black body , then turn red then white hot . thermal radiation . 

I believe the nucleus emits the IR waves . In the form of quark rotating action . Blackbody radiation . the wavespectrum from the body heat, is restricted to blackbody, red, orange, yellow, white . blue .
It is also amusing that the eyes, pick uip colours at this point of wavelenght .
The electrons on the atom surface perform reflection of light, and the optical effects, like mirror and refraction, lenses . The IR can be prismed out, and isolated, along with the other colours, but the source, must be cooled to reduce IR .
For an electron to bounce light of different "electron shell potentials" or amplitudes . or be forced out of bond with the atom or chemical. What is required ?
How many atoms is required to make a pinhole camera lense ?
How much current in Ampere can conduct over a 1 copper atom thick wire ?

For this occation I have a story. About heating metals and fitting them .
I had heraed from a friend, Rudi M. When he went to mechanics. His teacher told him.
Hey you have to wait to measure the iron after Lathing, till the irons cooled down. Youll get different measures . A hot diameter and a cool diameter. Remember the drift temprature. this led me to a thought. By lating 2 cylinders to be locked into one another . Drill hole in one cylinder, just too small for the other cylinder to fit in. Then Expand the sized of the small fit by heating the work piece. Then fit the parts once one is hot and expanded, and the other cooled and contracted. then let them squeeze tight into room temprature . what a fit !

then Later another friend of mine , Henrik Sim. Had been to a Viking museum studying boats. And explained me all about how the viking boat , They had bailout stones that rolled in the bellow of the boat. So that if they tipped over . the stones would roll out . And balance back the ship , I didnt quite get it ... and more Akter, had a curve that fit a water slope, pushing the boat forward on a backdraft. Oseberg, And then I looked thru some books he had. and there was a picture of a Viking Wagon ! with carvings and , large wheels . I have seen it before. and He told me . Hey . Kenny . you know how they made the spokes ? And fitted them on the wheels. ? The drilled holes for the spokes in the main axel clamp. Then wetted the wood ! Then took a measure of the expanded hole and made the spokes, and fitted the wet hole with a dry spoke. When it dried ! when it dries ! It sits rock tight .

I was like .
I thought I had discovered that method. Henrik shook his head. No man.
it was thought out long ago . Known method .

So its a hot and cold fit, and a wet and dry fit .
And you can fit pieces tight without nails or screws.


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