

On my research into the abyss of nature. I have discovered methods of obtaining lifelike circuits by combining basic elements. At first it appears mechanical, inanimate and inert material. But in the correct combination. It is maybe the basic form of any life form, a lifeform that obtains energy from the natural elements and stores this in its body. It does not have DNA, nor any intelligence, not accounting the atoms or molecules a civil intelligence, but attributing those compoents a primal intelligence that is of cosmic relevance. The Circuit Nexus One : Arx Calar . A circuit that cross the Academic science named Bioelectricity, with industrial electro . Conventional electro, is in its nature a sub atomic dicipline .

Considering the Periodic System of Atoms, as a palette of highly advanced components. Nature is per definition a circuit board. Your heart, runs on electricity, your central nervous system, is electrical. your entire emotional register is electrical. Is the human therefore a machine ? Is the robot a living thing . Both questions I would answer yes. If the robot has conciousness, is another matter. I would rather reply, how can I know you, have a conciousness ? The conclusion would be that without electric current, both the artificially created machine, the organic plant, the animal and the human, would be considered dead. Even a chemical, would be dead or inanimate if it had no electrical interactions. And only the life and soul of the atoms prevail. But with electric current the being, is alive . The life of a being , and the life of an atom, is not the same. The atom could not die, unless obliterated .

In the deep knowledge of the cosmos. In the interstellar nurseries, it knows, the cosmos knows how to fabricate atoms. I thank you. Dear Cosmos, for being the deepest of mysteries, revealed in open complexity, for all to study, for all to experience . For all to be perplexed by its grandure, and for all to be illuminated by its revelations .

I believe that the soul of a being is woven into its shape or combination of molecules. The soul of a bird, can not be the same as the soul of a human, for the molecular combination is different, and the soul could not the same. However we both share building blocks, the atoms, and natural circuitry to function in the same atmospheric content . the soul or conciousness, is more elaborate than these words, for twins, looks the same, but dont have the same soul. Altho they look the same, they are not at the same place at the same time . People say I look like Jim Carrey for instance, even without a mask ! My grandfather looked remarkably the same as Leslie Nielsen ! Displaying a picture of your grandfather, would also animate his soul in your brain, so the memory serve as the so called Eternal Life. Where would this particular society be, without the Pyramids and the Tombs of the Farao? People born on different places at different times, can also share the same habit or intentions, even the same face ! The question would then be, how do you want to be remembered ? You can make that decision when your alive, when your dead, its too late .

Again I would emphasise that Voltage in the electrical circuit is synonimous with the willpower of a human, the desire of overcoming a Resistance. The Amperes that run in the cable, is synonimous with the muscle of the arm and leg. The brain has willpower, and the body has muscles. Together they perform work. And Nature, it works .

I would encourage you
from any walk of life to see this
lecture concerning the Bio Field of the body.
From Eileen McKusick : Human Bio Electricity in the EU model from 2017 .

Dr. Mercola and Dr Tennant : on Bioelectricity

Thank you .
End Transmission . 

My grandfather John Henriksen, worked his entire life in Powerstations and as an electrician, with both high voltage and low voltage certificates. Modum Powerstation, Labro in Kongsberg, and Hensfoss Ringerike. Born in 1928, he started his electrical education when he was 12. During the WW2 he used to steal cigarette butts from the German soldiers, he was a smoker till he died about 80 years old . Back in the days they did alot of free work for neighbours, and was payed in booze . He told me that during floods, the farmers above the dam was complaining the dam had to be opened,  because there was too much water. But the farmers below, complained too much water was let thru, and he had to shut the sluice. Down in the dam, it was ponds to swim and sometimes people sunbathed there. And once he ran out of the station inside the mountain, yelling to the sunbathers. a group of youths. you have to evacuate ! The dam is about to open . Not a second later they were out of there the water came rushing down . I was with him inside the station several times, watching the turbines, in my youth . The last communication I had was I gave him a print of Nikola Tesla biography, a week or two later , he died. In 2012. At the same time I picked up electricity myself and was hired in 2013, I was then 35 . I miss him very much . On his grave I made a small coil of copper wire so he can listen to the radio . Hid fathers name, or my great grandfathers name is Henrik Henriksen, thats why I also have the name Henrik .

I also want to tell another story. when My grandparents lived in Kongsberg, and he was the boss on Labro powerstation, most probably in the late 1970s. they had a big ol mansion provided by the E-work. I was on my grandfathers arm, and he carried me around, and learned me to talk. He flicked a switch and said LAMP (or Lampa) , and to his amazement I said AMPA. and he was totally egnited. He rushed down to grandmother, cookin some stuff in the kitchen, and said ! He talked he said Ampa ! and this he told me again and again , over and over, usually after the "dagsrevyen" or news and weather forecast. Other things too, like, he said, its saturday, we have to get the children chips. Like Potatoe chips. And dedicatedly bought potatoe fries that had printed CHIPS on the pack . The message got thru to me after about 35 years .

I can tell something about myself. I will not conceal that I engaged into electricity with the "new age" people and the concept of perpetum mobiles, eternity machines. This was what engaged me to start pick up metal scraps from construction sites and buying in tools. I soon found out both the "new age" and the perpetum mobile concepts was futile, and much more excitement in the real approaches. I kinda concluded the only perpetum mobile is Nature itself . And found a great revelation in the Egyptian system where the word Neteru that is the term for Gods had a striking resemblance to our word Nature. And particularely the god of engeneering, Ptha that has a striking resemblance to the name Pytha - goras, whom we praise as the inventor of the triangle formulas. Our history is just shards of wisdom, it also circulates tales that Ptha went East, in the form of Buddah . And if I should agree there is only one god, it is the entire Cosmos and Nature itself, concluding every plant every stone every human is a God in itself, and therefore a soul is provided for each and every one within the cosmos , no matter material construction .


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