The Dream
When I
surround myself with things I like. With music I like. Images and objects I feel comfortable with and have an emotional contact to . I live in a dream . When these are
not around . My things. My environment . My
dream ends. And life becomes boring and uninspiring .
To chase the dream is futile . But live it . Become the dream . Material
things with shapes, and colours . Make that dream come true . And time vanish, and inspiration rolls like a film inside the mind, constructing things on its own . Material and the subconcious are very connected only separated by boredom. The material and immaterial is merged . This way you can enter a deep dream , inside the concious
self . Not supernatural. But Ideas . Ideas need nurishment . And the environment needs to be inspiring for the dream to florish and to be real . When my things are gone. Im not half the
man I used to be . Like a musician without his instrument . Or a mechanic without tools. An author without a
pen . Just another guy .
What environmnent makes your dream come
true ?
Is it a hilltop, green fields with a lush wind and birds singing.
Is it a jungle with plants and animals.
Is it a neon city with cool looking
cars and aircraft ?
The images that appear in the mind. are your friends . Be friends with them .
The images are there for a reason . The dream is part of your reality . A hurtful memory or a bad dream can be as devastating as a physical damage. There is no differance . Both can be mended . Revenge can be mended by forgiveness . And physical damage, with nutritious food and relaxation . And would often require a change in lifestyle . Or rather, change of environment .
If the dream was a new invention awaiting academic or govermental acceptance, it would never be approved. And neither would spirtual content or religion . On the conterary I would say, if you do not dream, or have thoughts in your head. Just apply to function, your not human, at best a vegetable .
If the dream was a new invention awaiting academic or govermental acceptance, it would never be approved. And neither would spirtual content or religion . On the conterary I would say, if you do not dream, or have thoughts in your head. Just apply to function, your not human, at best a vegetable .
Become the dream by being in a favourable environment, and wear clothes that makes you shine .
In the back of my head.
An ancient memory resides.
Back to the animals.
Back to the plant .
Back to the bacteria.
Back to the atom .
Back to the subatomic particles.
A memory we made of .
And we all share .
Back to the solar flares.
Back to the
supernova explosion .
Memory residing in deep space for hundred thousand millions of Eons.
All that is required is the desire.
To have a desire.
to obtain the ancient memory .
The future. Is in the deeps, of history
the future is inside the mechanisms of the
In the proteins. and their electrical charges.
Assembly codes of proteins.
hardware is the software.
And the program is life .
You see .
I had the landlord on a visit.
He had been filed complaints from my neighbours.
About strange noises in the midnight hour .
Hacksaw in the night.
But I can explain that baby.
You dont want me to explain that .
And I had to clear my things away, down into the basement.
And from that I realized. My apartment looked like an old aunts place, and I withered like a plant. So I figured what I wrote above. From the ordinary, a very fantastic revelation. But do not let that take your buzz away. Let me inform you another thing .
you body . is made from love. and at some point in time .
two persons made love. and at the apex of that incident. an orgasm .
That orgasm is you.
You are a walking orgasm .
And that is for real .
You see .
I had the landlord on a visit.
He had been filed complaints from my neighbours.
About strange noises in the midnight hour .
Hacksaw in the night.
But I can explain that baby.
You dont want me to explain that .
And I had to clear my things away, down into the basement.
And from that I realized. My apartment looked like an old aunts place, and I withered like a plant. So I figured what I wrote above. From the ordinary, a very fantastic revelation. But do not let that take your buzz away. Let me inform you another thing .
you body . is made from love. and at some point in time .
two persons made love. and at the apex of that incident. an orgasm .
That orgasm is you.
You are a walking orgasm .
And that is for real .