The Silver Spoon

From ancient times the tale of the silver spoon . the origin, is that bacterias and vires can not live close to silver metals. Similar with Copper , in computers with water cooling, they have a "kill coil" in the water, so the bactrias and slime is elimintated in the system . Plummers use Copper pipes so the pipes are not clogged with slime and organic compounds. Iron on the other hand, turns to powder, over time .

A medical you can make your self. food is a medicine. Food with high copper content. Liver , spirulina. C-vitamin in orange juice is also a good one . Personally I grind down copper filings from a copper wire. Remove the insulation separately. Then drink the copper filings, about one fingerprint amount of CU filings, every 3 days . With a glass of water .

It should be mandatory for medical institutions to have doorhandles and tools made of copper and silver . Now is the time, to use your silverware on a daily basis . Copper pans .

Anti septic properties of Copper .

News . Corona Covid-19 . News

The hysteria is at the peak level. the goverments are excessing maximal civil control, to delay the opening spread of the virus . 80% - 90% of the entire population is told to be at home . The last of us, do the usual tasks, work the construction . Wide information on minium 1 meter distance . The situation is out out of control .

I think it could be done like this .
All flight passengers, are told to go for testing .
All eldarly is isolated . The olds get sick by having a window on draft .
Kindergardens close. I interpret it like this . Children are building an immune system . and they all develope and react to bacteria and virus at indevidual time .
Ordinary schools can mostly be constrained to 1 meter distance.
Home office for those who can.
Fresh air is the best .

If your feeling OK. How can you apply for sick pay ?

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For what I know . Pests and bacterial cultures.
Hygene, cleanliness is important .
all medical diseases, is microbial.
a sneeze, would be microbial.
Even what triggers the sneeze, a smell, a chemical.
The sneeze would certainly blow out alot of organic material from the person .
Dirt and uncleanlyness
was the reason for the black plague .
Clorid, and Flour, acid chemical
I would catogorize electro chemical .

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Whos gonna pay for what .
If the Goverment, has put a ban on your industry. And have penalty for having opening hours. Its not even a question who has to pay up, for the lost income .

Let me tell you a story . when I worked with high voltage cables, a digger man said to me . When you by acciden cut your hands and have open wounds on the fingers. You notice that it hurts in the wound when earth is entering the blood. He contiued. thats the bacterias. this way you build up an immune system . People nowadays, live in sterile houses, and think everything natural is a disease. fools addicted to antibac and antibiotics, thinking that if bacterias are erazed youd get eternal life. well 3 % of your entire body whight is bacteria. if you whigh 80kg then 2.4 kilos is bacteria. The battle is futile. Nature . always wins. Humans, can not successfully separate from nature, by artificial or synthetic means . with this I also mean pesticides to kill insects that eat the crops. You should think a farmer knew what he was doing. think again, when economy and margins are introduced, the memory is wiped clean. Gas it all down with aresnic, and kill every insect to make a successful crop. Completely rediculus. Instead of planting different crops in rows or sections, variation of crops to nurish the soil. How do you expect to live, when everything is killed ? Quality and durability, is contained to a 5 year warranty limit at best . The worst trash producing culture the world has ever seen .

Let me put it another way . to be sick with a virus or bactiera, is healthy, it is a bacterial or viral upgrade . You want to be hip and cool and have the newest software on your cell phone . well guess what . your just another machine, only biological. And you need to be upograded. The concious mind is maybe 80% illogical. Driven by the worst motivation that is economy. But the biology itself is logic all the way . Do you think you can control the level of red blood cells with your concious thought . Or control the hormones in your teens ? Your a product . the concious decition would be to eat food that stimulate the hormones or red blood cells . Do things that is good for your fellow people. And strike down and be a horror for what is horrid . this is where you can excersize the anger in you. to strike down on inequality for instance. or for animal and human rights .

But that is not the end. that is a beginning . of Manipulation, of nature . A perfect analogy would be the excellent film called TRON . We are inside a computer that is the Universe . That is completely logical. One of the more interesting "programs" you can run is the one called temprature. for with high temprature, the birds start to sing. you get a shorts and the woman, take off the t-shirt.


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