Cosmic Cowboys : The Observer

The document is dedicated to Static muscular training . This means using own wheight and balance as a way to train muscle groups . Tecniques like lifting a light pole, from the ground . Balance on one leg, and act leverage of whigh onto the arm , extended to a tree, and so train, witout being noticed . As a completely natural fashion . Lift the body from a bench in the park, while seated .

People are usually buzy looking around , doin their own business.
And if you train static, they will not notice.

The most important for <observer< is to survive. To avoid battle and still win the situation. Constant training and awareness . Every person with age become invalid, and to exorzise the demons out of ones own body . As not to hurt other people intentionally by experiencing that pain .

An injury needs to be trained up again.
Injury from battle.
Injury from traffic.
Injury from work.
All the same.
As lifestyle injuries .

Injury can set your body back months and years.
Being 30 years, make you sometimes feel like a 90 years old.
It is important to train accordingly . To restituate .
As a 90 . as 80 as a 70 as 60 year old . as a 50, as a 40, as a 30 and as a 20 year old when all is good .

Basis of all training is Falun Dafa, Falun gong exercises : Buddah 1000 Hands . These should be done with no mind intent. And to identify pains, if any of the movements cause pain, the issue must be adressed. The Falun Dafa should be done without pain . Training for a 90 year old is considered, the following : Walking, standing upright, walking a staircase . Stretching of limbs and fingers. Training of a 40 year old, is mild jogging, squats . Training of a 20 year old is situps and pushups. So the heart beat really gets a up tempo change.

Standing and training

To observe people for over 15 minutes, on a bus stop . Public hot spot . Waiting . Take pictures . Pay special attention to cars an lorrys and train transport . Bicycles and electric rollerboards .

When looking around and standing at the same place.
Pan the eyes, and dont lock into other persons eyes, more than a few brief seconds. Pan over the traffic, people . In the purpose of training the limbs somehow, while waiting for city lights to change its pattern. Traffic is the only thing that can really kill you . People too, but very unlikely. More likely a car .

Make shure you are on a curb, or behind a concrete jersey road block barrier or bolted object of steel . Ground bolted lightpole or vending machine . You want to take cover at all times, just in case a drunken driver or terrorist, or unexpected accident happen . The enviromnet may protect you , when covered in firmly attatched structures . You want to survive at all costs .

Out wait, everyone else. Why cant you stay longest . Win the wait . Your the last man standing . The last eye that observed the scene . Leave when you have too .


Examine the minerals and vitamins in the foods. Have readily available leafy green, lettuce, avocado and fish. Canned sardines, herring, mackrell. Mushrooms, sweetpotatoes, onion . Meat, salami, raindeer, ox, Goat cheese, chicken eggs. some bread, yoghurt . nmn ,
No fruit . No sugar, no potatoe, no tomatoe, no beans (lectins needs 2-3 baths to rinse off toxins),
Vitamin A, B, C, D, K . What is protein . What is fiber, what is carbohydrat . What is nutrient for the bacteria in your gut . As little sugar as possible, because commercial foods are stuffed with sugars .

Sitting and training

When you sit in public with a book to read. The purpose of reading, is to train the muscles. Observe the people walking by . And breathing slow, as slow as conciousness allows. Reading the book is the least important, but stetching the sinews and muscles by stretching in slow motions, so as not to be notiecd , its not pantomime (that is a theater) . Have control over what is moving infront of your eyes. When positioning yourself near traffic.

The universe .

More than enough for everybody !

We are so few . Energy is so big

My experience of time .

Is a parallell world .

To your experiance of time .

Time is experienced indivdually .

And time there fore makes our personality .

Constructing The ego .

 Solidifying The mind .

The storage of memories .

What we experience to create the world

In our picture .

In our own time .

In Time .

Nature is the only Kingdom !


How to speak non invasive

Location . Occation.

How did you arrive here, at this place tonight ?

What made you decide so ?

Career . Passion

What do you work with, in what branch do you study ?

What is your true passion. Is your work, the true passion ?

Childhood . Past . Present

Where did you grow up ?

What did you like to do when you was young ?

How are your parents doing .

Echo and mirror other persons words and gestures .

Listen for the tones of language .

Let her ventilate all her pressure onto you .

Eye contact . Avoid deep analisys, but think and feel .

Exxagerate . Make explanations surrealistic .

Make them talk about themselvs .

If they like you, is up to how you make them feel .


How Cool Ya Wanna BE .

Death COOL

Cool as death .

Wait till death is over .

While waiting for death to leave .

You can exercise .

Wrestle with the demons.

Hidden in the muscles and bones .

Inbetween sinews and joints

and lethal luxuries

like alcohol and cigarettes

sugar candy fuel for death acceleration

with clean air on the lungs

Breathe full in full out .

Hold the breath to EXORIZES .

Pray hands : drive the demons out

You get well again .

If you try to regenerate from . Stemcells .

Training subtle and mild, at any time of conciousness.

Making the body remember .

What it is . What its capable of .

What it used to do .

So it can regenerate .

In the image of its function


I think and believe the stem cells regenerate

the body with activation, thru the knuckles .

Exorzise the knuckles by bending the bones . Sinew strain,

To generate from stem cells from bone marrow .

You just need to believe . You can motivate the bodys recovery.

It can be done . See the claw of a crab, the tail of a lizard .

And then with willpower .

It is ALL possible .

This pain is your burden. And should be handled that no other person experience the same horror. And if so, advice is given to recovery .

Standing and training

For how long to stand still and train, at the bus stop. Make a change, not to seem suspicuis, every 1 person, every 2 persons, every 3, or 5, depending on the crowd traffic. Maybe turn the position each time the traffic lights change move some meters every time the bus comes. To exercise while standing at a pole . Have one hand onto the pole . Try to lift the pole signpost or tree from the ground . So the bolt in the concrete loosen .

Feel the muscles, in that static situation . To identify the muscle groups, and identify weak spots in the body . You are only as strong . As the weakest link can hold .

Social media

take a picture, entertain yourself. post it online . Activity online, base station, IP network, all searched web adresses is listed in «history». Sms message to whom, at what time is recorded. The sms content is not recorded. Only what you press Like, post picture, date, clock and position gps is shurely stored documents . And will serve as alibi. vpn .

Sitting and training

Sit on a bench in a park or anywhere . Have the hands on your knees . The press the hands close. At the same time, and press out with the knees. Hold the static posture , arms and knees press agains eachother, in great strain, but no motion is visible. Breathe slow .

Arms up like raven wings . Arms Up toward the side . Hands the fold in a circle over head . Hands Unfold sand stretch back radius arms to sides . Like wings . Rest arms 1 cm over the support . Have the feet "rest" 1 cm over ground while sitting, to train the stomack and back . 

Measure Time, by Solar disk diameter and motion .

Motion of 1 diameter solar disk cover its own lengt over time . That is 1 Time unit .

Is it shorter or longer than 60 minutes .

Then study at one place. And have ready a stop clock, either on your hand, electronic divice or wrist watch. See the sun in the sky, and measure the time. It takes for the solar disk. To vanish behind a wall, in sideways motion . I propose the time in hours, is the same. Compared when the sun is large in the sky, and the sun is small, on different locations on earth, constant time . Even variations on the distance. Sun has the same size to cover its lenght at every measure . But the speed, should be constant ! Measured in clock time . That is linked to gravity time . That is horizontal motion of the sun, the solar disk diamter, per hour.

The vertical elevation . Tells you how many hours of light per day . Perhaps solar disk in vertical motion per hour . vertical divisions of 1 diameter , can give latitude on the globe . A precise motion or XY coordinate can be made in maybe 2-3 hours waiting .

Walking and training

When walking, and someone approaches, slow down, as to alsmost stand still. Dont speed up , study them as they come closer . Dont look at woman when they approach, or where they come from. But look when they leave, and where they go . There are exceptions, if you get eye contact with a woman . Keep her eyes in your look . Smile .

How hard to train, without being noticed .

In public civil . Hang on the corner, bus stop . Then lean onto the wall causual. Try to balance the bodyweight on just one finger onto the wall . Not much pressure is needed to feel streching .

If ever unshure of the exorcise is too hard.

The HEART. Should only be moderately excited.

Always. When concious.

Listen to the heart rythem.

And slow it down .

The «human multitasking»

Can increase . Stress.

3 – 4 - 5 things at once. Cooks the system .

1 thing at a time .

Its DONE in : One BREATH take.

Create a personal CALM .

Deep in . Hold . deep out .

Stress down the heart .

Create attention

You can listen to the news or a podcast on the radio or electronic device . In public . With or without earpieces . Listen to the radio is not a crime ! But it creates attention . When you walk on desolate places . Add your favourite music . Play it loud, from your device, create an atmosphere that others, people animals and birds can listen , and respond to . Only the best music in public . The benefit of not using earphones, is that you can hear car noises better . traffic . Particularely dangerous are the new soundless electric cars, that accelerate very fast . 


Theives will be jogging in the selected streets many times a day . To inspect . Wire alarms . Entrances . Plan . Wifi security is the better . Time for alarm and patrol arrival . The best is walk guard in own street . Keep watch . A sticker of security service on your door is decent , to prevent thieves from taking the chance . The alarm is rigged so clipping the wire, release the alarm .

Sitting and training

When watching TV at home . Make shure you always sit on the floor . Seiza . Or other . Fudoza . To stretch and strenghten you knees . And back spine. Shoulders, arms wrist motions . Use pillows under your knees . If you forget . Then do it next time you remember . Dont stress it . When you remember . Its never too late to catch up again . Especially when phasing in a new rutine .

Luxury habit

If you want to quit an old habit . Make it more difficult to obtain the pleasure, the luxury . Like, only smoking out doors . Only meat and candy stored in the secret locker . Luxury items stored somewhere guarded by a dragon . You then have to get out if comfort zone. Get the keys to the secret locker, to catch some candy, or a smoke . Increase the distances, between you and the unwanted desire, and reduce intake of luxury vice, alcohol, smoke, candy. Keep your hand on the rail at all times . Dont fall, when drunk . Choclates and sweets, avoid at all cost . Maybe the best medecine of all ills is to cut back on sugars and sweet foods .


Love life

If you are unsuccessful with woman, it may not be you who are the problem. Consider this . If you want to be miserable, then you get a woman relationship. Certainly there are exceptions to that rule . Let woman come and go in your life. A person can not be owned, like a bird in a cage . A person is free like the bird, if no contracts can hold you down . Marriage contract is to secure family wealth . Dont feel ashamed if lovelife doesnt work out . Lonelyness is exess of time to do hobbies and deep studies . With time to many to attend, priorotize own time atleas 1 hour per day . And also Economy 1 hour per day . You can use a stop watch, and have timers beep at lunch breaks . The best female approach is shoulder massage, at a sponane time . As fast as possible at the right timing, maybe she mentions her shoulders. I saw an effective move once, a man sitting beside a woman , he pulled up her leg by the toes and ripped her sock off, and started massaging her toes, at a party . Master class . Later all we guys was pissed off, on the surf guy . But then, he massaged all us boys shoulders . Stamping the flesh . Not so bad . 



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