Gyro Scope

The Gyroscope effect is what keeps your balance on the bicycle .

Its effects are very poorly described, but I think I understood it yesterday when talkin to my buddy .

When the gyroscope rotates. the atoms or molecules near the circumference is displaced, out of the geometry, and wants to be flung out like water on a spinning disk. However the molecular bonding keeps it together. Now I think that the displacement experienced on the circumference, as the gyroscope spins, is added back in the center of the gyroscope that experience the LEAST displacement . and so an axis is "made". And called the Conservation of Angular Momentum . The shape of the invisible force would be exacly the same, as the magnetic field of a bar magnet . But the magnetic force is replaced with an atomic displacement . It is neither viscous gas matter like air drag on a airoplanes wing, or Air Resistance . 

The gyroscope then relates to its own atoms, and its not a vaccum vortex, nor magnetics nor electric effects. It is the rotational displacement of its construction atoms . Again , atoms are displaced toward the disk edge, or circumference. The higher speed, the larger displacement . In the center of the disk, there is the least or smallest atomic displacement . The tork has little effect, toward the center of the spinner . The material is phased out of inert rest, by rotation .  the effects Phase from the center to the edge, as a radial variabel, representing atomic gyro displacement. the displacements make the axis of conservation . 

Andromeda disk approaching the Milky way disk . by Hubble Scope .
A blue shift in the optical spectrum confirm this. Hubble himself was the inventor of the method. however every galaxy does NOT red shift . I think that redshifts are Aether refractions. The EM electromagnetic spectrum is electrical forces and the optical spectrum, so electric waves would behave similar to Optics . Radio Optic .

I dont know if the same applies to Galaxies, for they are more like smoke, and the particles are not clumped together. Now that is not true. A galaxy is a body on its own . It contains Planets and asteroides, many stars and solar system suns, solar systems wrapped in a Heliosphere, that also is a cell of a kind, material self assembling cell . All content is enticed by the central motor rotation, Sagittarius B . Atleast 5 black holes (that are super massive planets) drive the galaxys rotation . Galaxies DO have a spinning shape, and they are disk like structure, and assemble toward the core . And the Planets act like they are in a fixed system, altho they are free floating . the solar system is not disrupted by the milky way sentrifugal force. I think im on to something . a problem with a galaxy is that will the centrifugal force, make the particles attract toward the center, or will they be flung out . Its kinda obvious that planets are not thrown out . they are attracted to the center. by gravity ? by magnetics ? by electrical forces? Or by the Sentrifugal force, what I propose SENTRIFUGAL displacement .

when I study a glass of water, mixing in food suppliments. like NMN. is that the when the particles are added into the liquid, and stirred in a swirl as to mix it . It can be seen with sugar, salt, and sand. the particles will be collected in the center of the drain. the particles are not driven out to the circumference, but into the middle of the spiral motion of the liquid. This elementary observation is analog in my opinion, to a galaxy ! It would be the same, a soup of galactic particles, a gas, or a liquid or solid particles, its all of them at once. But I suspect, the GYRO effect, draws all particles toward the CENTER, unaided by Gravity. Its counter intuitive, for a particle of sand, on the circumference of a car wheel, would certainly be flung off the circumference and away from the wheel. but in a tornado swirl, the particle ia concentraded in the middle. Is it the shape of the glass ? No it is the shape of the SWIRL . that is always round . The target particle, in a liquid medium, and a geometric shape with motion . Then position the particle according to forces .


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