
I think we humans on earth battle with two creation stories .

First up, we are not self created, we do not come from nature itself .

Because we are created by god .

Or gods, or aliens, that speak like us, dress like us, and look like us .

They have understood the concept of "self creation" or Svayambu .

And with their infinite knowledge, they the gods, have fabricated the bible. for the human population, before the bible large enterprises have been established, Egypt, Babylon, India, to create a foundation for Jesus . Jews are instrumental as they were liberated from Egypt . 

In the Bible it says the WORD , is the beginning.

Well for OUR point of view, we are created for a purpose .

A purpose being religious . Not labor or work .

The atheists and all those struggeling with the combination of the two creations.

They see the evolution as the svayambo "self creation" connection .

They fail to realise that Earth is a religious construct, made by someone .

Our history is only 2000 years old, and max out on 10 000 years back. If we humans come from infinity back in the days, our history should be longer . Paper traces many millions of years . Religion has always been the backbone society, and usually its function is to honour the gods, who aided us with marvels of construction (pyramids and megalithic structures) , and miracles of healing . If humans could document these artifacts there would be no doubt, on who made it . But we can not, even the priests in Egypt, it is said, arrived in Egypt and the Pyramids were all ready made . Same in Peru . 

Since we are being constantly watched, and monitored , from space, by god . the evidence or testimony is endeless, Jesus said he came from above, and we come from below, India has a plethora of Vimanas and aircrafts. Enoch has visions and see a spectacle in the sky, and is aboard the ship . Ezechil . the sumerians have stone relifs of birdmen, with pine cones, and all that is needed . The holy waterbucket they also have . Bramha and Ea alike . 

Our purpose is not to figure out the svayambo concept .

That I understand it like this : Our atoms and DNA and evey cell and molecule in our body. In its construction and chemical bonds and atomic connections there is a MEMORY. Sum of all atomic field copplings connected in our shape, forms basis of the soul . So this memory can be accessed, or imagined, so as the memory of a person goes into the creation itself . You can actually remember being a proton inside a sun . In that vision, or revelation the supreme god rests . when a dream or imagination resound in a meaningful order , it must be with God, or communication with the self created, self reflection . That is the light inside and so you are a lamp . 

But we have Jesus christ who figured it all out .

The Bible is not easy to understand, when it gets sticky .

But have some passages that are easy to live by .

Easy and difficult at the same time . I use these : have a soft heart (just like a woman of your dreams), forgive my debts as I forgive my debitors . Love my enemy, love my neighbour, love god . Pray that I already have recieved what I desire . Be a servant, even if you are a king . The servant is never greater than his master . 

In the Bible God says, let US create a man .

So this comes form a desire, or rather an order . That is words .

And if it were not for god, that decided this, earth would not have been .

It would not have been there by itself, or natural creation .

This is a big problem in the human .

They say they are gods,

They say they have eternal life, and can heal every illness and walk on water. Maybe listen to what they say .

Conclusion . 
We humans must understand creation from two perspectives. The first that is Evolution, or Svayambu, from bacteria, to mammal, to human . And the other from a space port view, or a laboratory scientist, more precicely god, the shepard . Both methods accompanied by the holy spirit, that is universal . Therefore work or labour, is not the primary objective, but to accompany the Holy spirit, Jesus and God the father in Heaven, that created us in his image . Religion is not a singular experience, but a global experience, rather universal experience . and be you fortunate, to be presented for the allmighty god, that is not a god of fire, a god of wind, and a god of lovemaking. but a god that have dominion over them all, and mastered the world . 

Reflection . 
It is to sort out history and where it came from . In the North we have the vikings . Thor and Odin, that It came out of the stone age, over 2 million years ago . In the North there is traces of people 8000 years back in time, moving north with the ice, for farming, altho boats were the vehicles of the time . In the south, the Egyptians, Pharao, lost everything only sculptures in incredible amounts. Sumeria, replaced with Muslims, also a monotheist god, the same god as god . Earlier mono theists were Zoroaster, persia and Akhenaten in Egypt before Abraham . First Adam and Eve then there was a tidal wave called Atlantis, then Noah, then Abraham, then Moses  . In India this is also noted, story of Manu . I have heared that since the muslim symbol is a half moon, its actually a earlier moon god named Hubal, but im not opinionated wether this is a version of Baal (the golden calf). Or has anything to do with Kabala, all of them have the letters bal. I find Baal Shem, a mystical jewish healing society . 

Krishnas Heart tied to a log, thrown in the river by the hunter . 

I have heared in the Gnostic Gospels, maybe Thomas . that Jesus said. When "they" tell you the god is in the ocean, then catch fish. But when "they" say the god is inside you . then it is so .

God should be adressed with dignity, for it is like a General, perfect in every way . they are dressed and do not walk naked, they speak words and not grunt, jumbled sounds to conjur spirits . Our Father prayer, is sufficient . We humans are vulgar, commoners, whom have been impregnated with the holy spirit, that is like the wind. And that water, is thicker than blood . 

What will you do, when you are in the light, what will you do ?


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