The Weightless Decision

 The Follower of His Holyness Jesus Christ 

Jesus is the name for a wheightless condition .

For in that moment, his name is mentioned, in daily life, one can stop and wait for it to resolve itself . In that moment is sinless decision, for the mind with his name is sinless, not wheighted by sin . His name is the life to the holy ghost . 

Corinths . 11.3
But I want you to realize
that the head of every man is Christ,
and the head of the woman is man,
and the head of Christ is God.

In recent investigation it has come to my attention the biblical origin of peoples, and how it applies to todays racial culture . Bible says, we all came from Adam and Eve, Cain , Abel, Noah, then the Flood, then after the flood, his 3 sons, Jafet, Shem and Ham . That orginated earths populations from Mount Ararat in Turkia . Shem is forefather of the Semites, brown and red people . Ham is the darkest in skin, because they live south . Jafet went to Europa, whites from him and it is rumored the Chinese people are from Jafets line, but also from Ham, Han Dynastie . It was these people who settled first to build Babylon in Irak, Noas sons, it is speculated they knew of "pre-flood" technology . But instead they got scattered all over the earth, Gods confusion of tongues . Babylon is todays metafor for a global goverment, run by NGOs non govermental organisations .

Here is a coloured map, with names and where people emigrated from Mount Ararat . Yellow Jafet, Red Shem, Green Ham . 

Also breakthru with knowing that the Serpent in the garden of Eden, is snake cultures in Greece, Egypt, Maya Chitchen Itza, Chinese dragons, and India snake worship called Naga, Shiva, Vishnu, Bramha, these are supernatural beings, decribed as the Snake in the old testament, Genesis . Translates directly to Luciferians, teaching esotheric knowledge to humans . Freemasonary . Blood rituals . These beings also fall into the category of Watchers, or Aliens, UFO . Be careful with Freemasonary, the story goes, that at the last 33 degree, everything flips over, and evil becomes good, and good becomes evil. Symbols like snakes, hoofs, halfmoons, geometric stars, horns and bulls, The Bibles offgod is Baal .

In Adams time before the flood, one man was cursed with sin and the wages thereof that is death. So came one man Jesus christ to save us from Death, for he have overcome the world . To remedy the damage . Even tho it was the snake that tempted Eve, and said Shurely you will not die . The man took the blame . Genesis 3 .

This takes place a good time after Babylon, but before Jesus enters the scene, and the world is almost like today . Just after Solomon builds a House for the Lord . Then this happens, the king Jerobeam, who served Solomo, made a band with bandits and disobeyed the Lord .
2 chronicles 13.7

2 Chronicles 14
And Abijah rested with his ancestors and was buried in the City of David. Asa his son succeeded him as king, and in his days the country was at peace for ten years.
Asa King of Judah

2 Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God. 3 He removed the foreign altars and the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. 4 He commanded Judah to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors, and to obey his laws and commands. 5 He removed the high places and incense altars in every town in Judah, and the kingdom was at peace under him. 6 He built up the fortified cities of Judah, since the land was at peace. No one was at war with him during those years, for the Lord gave him rest.

Other thoughts . The dinosaurs, science C14 carbon method can not date stones . And the dinosaur fossiles are stones . Not one real dionosaur bone in museums, they are all made artificially . So you can wonder how the dionasurs came about . Considering the Earth is fairly young . Its about 6000 years ago Adam walked in the Garden of Eden . that age also supposedly add up to the population on earth today, with normal reproduction, and wars . If the world was older, there would be more people . The entire dionosaur era, could be planted with clay relifs . By whom ... the fallen angels perhaps ? theyve been around . Is there any Dinosaur DNA around . Many things can be made with pressure and high temprature . 

Back to Adam, that lived before the flood. Adam was also the forefather of Enoch, and Enoch lived in the days before the flood, in the days of Nephilim and Giants (that are not in any museum) . Fallen angels mated with the woman of earth and created hideous creatures, that ate humans . and for that reason the Flood was made . Only Noah survived and his 3 sons, and their wives, and 2 of each animal . The wierd thing is that after the flood, in Mount Ararat, the first thing they start is to build Babylon . So there is no wonder why God says the world is evil, because at the first oppurtunity, people seek advice in abominations . And it is safe to say that the Fallen Angels have been tempting humans since the beginning of Earth . And for them to recognize their own creation, they use Symbols . So have no mercy, when God killed those abominations in the flood, or shed no tear, when God burned those in Sodom and Gomorrah, for they knew, and made a choise . Pray that they turn around and follow Jesus . You also see that the Fallen Angels also fall for the simple pleasures of "beautiful woman" and certainly cosmic dominion . But identify these fallacies, Beauty and dominion, is mans ruin . 

Jesus was the messias the Jews didnt want, for he didnt bring peace as promised, and accused as a blasphemer of the Torah . Rather the Jews want a messias that is speaking positive about the old testament, and follow only those laws, in that conservative tradition . Jesus told us, to trash all other tradition . Its not strange Jesus didnt bring peace, when people dont listen to him .

Matthew 5.43
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
that you may be children of your Father in heaven.

He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?

Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others?
Do not even pagans do that?
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

But I have come to the conclusion that the Holy Spirit is our ego, and identity . The Holy Spirit can recognise God, and what is good . So give credit to the Holy Spirit that is in you that he belongs to God, and recognise Jesus Christ as our Saviour .

You can ask, does Jesus love the devil ?
Before Lucifer fell from the heaven and rebelled, Lucifer was loved . He made a choise, and is destined for destruction, but can he give up and repent ? We must pray for those who are in limbo, and havent figured it out yet . the point is you need not be hiding or be afraid of what other people are engaged into, you can still talk to people outside the christian realm, and spread the Gospel . And not say, they are foul hethens, I can not be observed with them, for I am a christian now, and can not be stained . spread the gospel to the sick . for do not satanists, also believe in Jesus, without him, they would have nothing . Atheists struggle with the historical facts about the miracles, and the consistancy in the gospels, they read more between the lines, thatn the actual lines written . However, dont spread pearls for swine . Maybe the devils version of Heaven is fire and brimstone, maybe he gets exactly what he wants ?

Jesus and the Snake
John 3.14
No one has ascended into heaven except the One who descended from heaven—the Son of Man.
Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.

Can you worship a snake and then say that snake is Jesus ?
NO, for the old testament, where Moses led the Isralites thru the desert, they lost faith and got snake bites . Moses made a staff and hanged a snake on it, so they could pray to the snake, then get healed. 500 years later Jesus is accociated with the same symbol, the snake . In the Old testament they used symbols for worship, in every culture in every religion, the sun, lingam stones, planets, a god for fertility and a god for drunkedness .

In the new and old testament it is said Exodus 20.4
You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in the heavens above, on the earth below, or in the waters beneath. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on their children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me

My own conclusion is that Jesus was raised as a symbol for the Hethens or those lost at faith, and since it is a symbol, its the symbol of deception (the snake liar), for it is just a symbol (and can be misused for power and dominion). Symbols are bad . But then again , the Cross, or Jesus on the cross, is the only tolerable Symbol we can use, for Jesus is the symbol of Holyness, for those of us that are new into the Jewish mystery, a symbol would be needed, so as not to confuse Israels God with the other multitude of Fallen Angel gods . You can ask, why didnt Moses choose another symbol, something peaceful like a Dove, to represent Jesus on the staff. Well, the doves was not a threat, but the snakes were . I believe in the future there will be no symbols at all, for there is only one God. But in this age, the only way honour God our creator, is to believe in Jesus, and it will not change .

It should also be noted that when Moses split the waters, and when he does magic with the staff, like turning it into a snake, and fighting the Faraos magic staff snake. It is not Moses who is the magician, but God that work thru him . So alone the prophets are powerless, it is God that work through them . And that is opposite to a magician, who can conjure up these powers on his own will . 

This is also what I think witchcraft is. To give soul to an inanimate object, and charge it with meaning. Plato said something about, the idea of things. But an inanimate thing, like a chair, can not have an idea about a human. But a human can have an idea about what a chair is like. So not every thing can create an idea, only what has a brain . A brain is electrical copplings, but any electric circuit is certainly not a conciousness . So a bunch of atoms, in a molecule, is alive in some way, atleast electrically, but it has no cognition, it has no idea, it can not fathom God . And I believe that the perfect brain, can fathom God . So inanimate things, like wooden stumps, rocks, or plants, or planets, are not gods and shall not be worshipped, altho god our Father created it all. Worship the creator, not the created . 

Jesus tells the Jews, their Father is the devil
John 8.39

John 8:39-59 NCV
They answered, “Our father is Abraham.” Jesus said, “If you were really Abraham’s children, you would do the things Abraham did. I am a man who has told you the truth which I heard from God, but you are trying to kill me. Abraham did nothing like that. So you are doing the things your own father did.” But they said, “We are not like children who never knew who their father was. God is our Father; he is the only Father we have.” Jesus said to them, “If God were really your Father, you would love me, because I came from God and now I am here. I did not come by my own authority; God sent me.

You don’t understand what I say, because you cannot accept my teaching. You belong to your father the devil, and you want to do what he wants. He was a murderer from the beginning and was against the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he shows what he is really like, because he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I speak the truth, you don’t believe me. Can any of you prove that I am guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me?

Here Jesus says that the farasees, rather worship the devil, for if they were not, they would listen to Jesus . How can Jesus call the god that led the Isrealites out of Egypt, the father of Lies ? The only way to understand this is to think that worship transitioned from works, to Faith . The Jews know their father doing things, like splitting the water, magic staffs, eating sacrifices in a flame from the sky, appearing like a cloud, speaking like thunder . But we Gentiles know not of that kind, we havent seen that . but we have Faith, because we heared about it . 

The discussion is so heated, that I presented this verse to a Jew. The jew replied, Jesus was antisemittic for he spoke agains Judaism ! It was in a discussion where Republican D. Trump in USA supported State of Israel, but was denounced by Democrats, Left in USA, for they accuse him for being antisemittic rightwing, but Democrats do not know their history, they are the KKK, and fought for slavery and a grand state goverment, that act like a father, but artificial . So I tried to ask another, if a Left wing Jew, that wronged a Right wing Jew, was anti semite, but no answer on that one . I think the answer is no, his not an anti semmite . In that case you would say the Farasees was Anti semmites becasue they killed a Jew, Jesus . So its not about "the Jews" but rather Judaism, Kosher food, circumcision . It becomes understandable that the Jews want a Messias from their own ranks and someone who speaks positive about Judaism . But after Jesus came along, we Gentiles are Grafted into the Jewish olive tree, so we can be called Jews, but not followers of Judaism .

However all of these things are you granted, When Jesus is Your Lord ! Because then you also honour Abraham ! And our Father in Heaven , for he is everything . And you will live , with his name, Jesus in your midst . For even if you have done everything wrong in your entire life, but believe in Jesus, atleast you got one thing right . Try not to be ashamed of yourself when he returns . Its better to enter Heaven maimed than not enter at all . 

Conclusion . Worship only Jesus . Believe in him for he has control of all things, he created all things, everything you see, he has created, everything you do, he has done, everything you think, he has thought before, and he also paves way for what is Holy, and warns what is unholy, what is of the World and what is of the Heaven . Jesus came to heal the sick, and to turn us away from Hethendom, that is like a disease, and home fabricated gods . He is the comfort .

Jesus has to be the coolest guy ever, he made me !

Thats what I think
we will see if it holds up . 


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